伊索寓言 > 寓言书 > 系列书籍 > 康塔塔学习伊索寓言


2018 狐狸和葡萄.  由Blake Hoena复述.  插图:Beth Hughes.  精装的.  北曼卡托,明尼苏达州:康塔塔学习伊索:康塔塔学习.  $32.53来自亚马逊.com, 2018年3月.

音乐:迪恩·琼斯.  With a CD containing the story and song, just the song, and just the instrumental background.  The lyrics and music are also printed at the end of the book.  这张唱片邀请读者一起唱.  四行诗押韵 -- heavy on "fox" and "socks" -- work through the fable.  This landscape book will appeal to young readers for the simple, 直接的艺术.  狐狸多次尝试都没有结果.  这张唱片中的音乐有回声效果, 在那里,后备乐队会跟着主唱唱歌词.  The story moralizes that it is easy to hate what we cannot have.

2018 狐狸和葡萄.  由Blake Hoena复述.  插图:Beth Hughes.  平装书.  North Mankato, MN: 康塔塔学习伊索寓言:  Cantata Learning.  $7.95从亚马逊.com, 2月., ‘18.

音乐:迪恩·琼斯.  歌词和配乐印在书的末尾.  四行诗押韵 -- heavy on "fox" and "socks" -- work through the fable.  This landscape book will appeal to young readers for the simple, 直接的艺术.  狐狸多次尝试都没有结果.  The story moralizes that it is easy to hate what we cannot have.

2018 乌龟和兔子.  由Blake Hoena复述.  蒂姆·佩林插图.  精装的.  North Mankato, MN: 康塔塔学习伊索寓言:  Cantata Learning.  $17.82来自亚马逊.com, 2月., ‘18.

埃里克·科斯基宁作曲.  With a CD containing the story and song, just the song, and just the instrumental background.  The lyrics and music are also printed at the end of the book.  这张唱片邀请读者一起唱.  四行诗押韵 take the reader and listener through the fable.  The artist pictures the hare cleverly as having the same look on his face through about the first five pages.  The key moment comes when the rabbit "thought he could relax."  "Success comes not from what you say but how your talents are used!“嗯….  Children will like the image of the rabbit trying to catch up at the end, 在那里他的腿变得像快速转动的轮子.  生动的叙事音乐.

2018 乌龟和兔子.  由Blake Hoena复述.  蒂姆·佩林插图.  平装书.  North Mankato, MN: 康塔塔学习伊索寓言:  Cantata Learning.  $6.53来自亚马逊.com, 2018年3月.

埃里克·科斯基宁作曲.  歌词和配乐印在书的末尾.  四行诗押韵 take the reader and listener through the fable.  The artist pictures the hare cleverly as having the same look on his face through about the first five pages.  The key moment comes when the rabbit "thought he could relax."  "Success comes not from what you say but how your talents are used!“嗯….  Children will like the image of the rabbit trying to catch up at the end, 在那里他的腿变得像快速转动的轮子.

2018 蚂蚁和蚱蜢.  由Blake Hoena复述.  插图:Lisk Feng.  精装的.  North Mankato, MN: 康塔塔学习伊索寓言:  Cantata Learning.  $20.63来自亚马逊.com, 2018年3月.

音乐:迪恩·琼斯.  With a CD containing the story and song, just the song, and just the instrumental background.  The lyrics and music are also printed at the end of the book.  这张唱片邀请读者一起唱.  Am I right to call the music something derived from dixieland jazz?  重复的台词太多了.  The visual art moves nicely without textual reference through summer and fall and only then mentions winter.  The artist also has fun with the multiple limbs of the insects involved, 就像蚱蜢用两只右手在11个波浪上一样.  It is quite surprising when the ant simply takes the grasshopper into his home and says "I have plenty to eat."  For me it is even more surprising when the moral is announced: "Work hard, 准备, 你不会失败.这个版本的故事是否证实了这个寓意?

2018 蚂蚁和蚱蜢.  由Blake Hoena复述.  插图:Lisk Feng.  平装书.  North Mankato, MN: 康塔塔学习伊索寓言:  Cantata Learning.  $7.95从亚马逊.com, 2018年3月.

音乐:迪恩·琼斯.  歌词和配乐印在书的末尾.  这篇文章有很多重复的句子.  The visual art moves nicely without textual reference through summer and fall and only then mentions winter.  The artist also has fun with the multiple limbs of the insects involved, 就像蚱蜢用两只右手在11个波浪上一样.  It is quite surprising when the ant simply takes the grasshopper into his home and says "I have plenty to eat."  For me it is even more surprising when the moral is announced: "Work hard, 准备, 你不会失败.这个版本的故事是否证实了这个寓意?

2018 狼来了的男孩.  由Blake Hoena复述.  插图:Flavia Sorrentino.  精装的.  North Mankato, MN: 康塔塔学习伊索寓言:  Cantata Learning.  $19.51来自亚马逊.com, 2018年3月.

马克·奥布林格作曲.  With a CD containing the story and song, just the song, and just the instrumental background.  The lyrics and music are also printed at the end of the book.  这张唱片邀请读者一起唱.  The melody line of the music is -- appropriately -- close to "Mary Had a Little Lamb.“还有一架很好的下等酒吧钢琴.  村民们甚至在第一次欺骗时就生气了.  视觉艺术可能是这个系列中最好的.  建筑是俄罗斯的,或者至少是东欧的.  树是螺旋形的,羊是卷曲的.  Those various things tend to make the boy -- and especially his face -- stand out in almost every scene.  当狼真的出现时,它们也会突出狼.  在寓意中加上“很多谎言”会有帮助吗?  "If you tell lies, lots of lies, then no one will ever know if you can be believed.“我认为你可能会在第一个谎言中失去你的信誉!

2018 狼来了的男孩.  由Blake Hoena复述.  插图:Flavia Sorrentino.  平装书.  North Mankato, MN: 康塔塔学习伊索寓言:  Cantata Learning.  $5.52来自亚马逊.com, 2018年3月.

马克·奥布林格作曲.  歌词和配乐印在书的末尾.  The melody line of the music is -- appropriately -- close to "Mary Had a Little Lamb.“村民们甚至在第一次欺骗时就生气了.  视觉艺术可能是这个系列中最好的.  建筑是俄罗斯的,或者至少是东欧的.  树是螺旋形的,羊是卷曲的.  Those various things tend to make the boy -- and especially his face -- stand out in almost every scene.  当狼真的出现时,它们也会突出狼.  在寓意中加上“很多谎言”会有帮助吗?  "If you tell lies, lots of lies, then no one will ever know if you can be believed.“我认为你可能会在第一个谎言中失去你的信誉!

2018 狮子和老鼠.  由Blake Hoena复述.  插图由Jen Khatun提供.  精装的.  North Mankato, MN: 康塔塔学习伊索寓言:  Cantata Learning.  $17.87来自亚马逊.com, 2018年3月. 

马克·奥布林格作曲.  With a CD containing the story and song, just the song, and just the instrumental background.  The lyrics and music are also printed at the end of the book.  这张唱片邀请读者一起唱.  老鼠用押韵的对句叙述这个故事.  Two things are unusual in the story and its visual depiction.  The lion laughs so hard that he lets the mouse go, and the mouse takes that as his cue to leave.  Visually, the artist enjoys using round blue dots on everyone's cheeks.  我想知道为什么.  我觉得这些点令人困惑.  Despite that question, the story and its depiction here carry the fable well.

2018 狮子和老鼠.  由Blake Hoena复述.  插图由Jen Khatun提供.  平装书.  North Mankato, MN: 康塔塔学习伊索寓言:  Cantata Learning.  $6.49个来自亚马逊.com, 2018年3月.

马克·奥布林格作曲.  老鼠用押韵的对句叙述这个故事.  Two things are unusual in the story and its visual depiction.  The lion laughs so hard that he lets the mouse go, and the mouse takes that as his cue to leave.  Visually, the artist enjoys using round blue dots on everyone's cheeks.  我想知道为什么.  我觉得这些点令人困惑.  Despite that question, the story and its depiction here carry the fable well.

2018 挤牛奶的姑娘和她的桶.  由Blake Hoena复述.  插图:Isabel Munoz.  精装的.  North Mankato, MN: 康塔塔学习伊索寓言:  Cantata Learning.  $17.82来自亚马逊.com, 2018年3月.

音乐:约瑟夫·费森四世.  With a CD containing the story and song, just the song, and just the instrumental background.  The lyrics and music are also printed at the end of the book.  这张唱片邀请读者一起唱.  四行诗讲述了这个引人入胜的故事.  This dark-skinned milkmaid sometimes has the pail in her hand and sometimes on her head.  这可能会使故事的讲述复杂化.  这个挤奶女工对旋转舞有很好的洞察力!  但当她在路上旋转和跳舞时, she trips on a stone and the bucket comes crashing down on her head!  This telling of the story goes straight from chicks to a new gown.  It plays several times on the proverb about counting chickens before they are hatched.  Can we note that the poet enjoys missed rhymes, particularly "hatched" and "smashed."  There is no reference to the proverb about crying over spilt milk.

2019 鹅和金蛋.  由艾玛·卡尔森·伯尔尼复述.  插图:Howard Gray.  平装书.  North Mankato, MN: 康塔塔学习伊索寓言:  Cantata Learning.  $17.21年8月,从Zuber通过Ebay买了75张.  

音乐:约瑟夫·费森四世.  不仅是编辑, 插画家, and musician different here from the earlier six 2018 books by Cantata Learning, but the music has shifted to mp3 form available through a QR Code online.  The lyrics and music are still also printed at the end of the book.  我们邀请读者一起唱.  A repeated quatrain – “If you have a lot, don’t be greedy too” -- recurs through the fable.  音乐是根据“Camptown Races”的曲调设定的.”  This landscape book will appeal to young readers for the simple, 直接的艺术, including the imagined stockpile of gold eggs inside the goose.  事实上, that whole two page spread (14-15) typifies the artist’s good engagement with the emotions of both characters.  Rather than our seeing a dead goose, we see only feathers flying around a distraught farmer (18-19).

2019 狗和骨头.  由Blake Hoena复述.  插图由Teemu Juhani绘制.  .  .  平装书.  北曼卡托,明尼苏达州:康塔塔学习伊索:康塔塔学习.  $6.07从亚马逊,9月., '21. 

有了这本小册子, our collection has arrived at a further stage in Cantata's engagement with Aesop, marked by the mp3 available online by contrast with a disc earlier published with the book.  The mp3 consists of not just the music but the whole booklet.  埃里克·科斯基宁作曲.  The lyrics and music are also printed at the end of the book.  这种模式是由歌曲《皇冠体育博彩》设定的.我们邀请读者一起唱.  四行诗押韵 -- heavy on repetitions of "it" -- work through the fable.  狗认为水里的骨头比它的大.  This landscape book will appeal to young readers for the simple, 直接的艺术.  这个故事的寓意是“为你所拥有的东西感到高兴。.  不要伸手去拿别人的.  You may lose the things you have if you're greedy or selfish.“Else’s”和“selfish”押韵。?

2019 乌鸦和水罐.  由艾玛·卡尔森·伯尔尼复述.  插图:蒂姆·佩林. 平装书.  北曼卡托,明尼苏达州:康塔塔学习伊索:康塔塔学习.  $7.9月9日,亚马逊95., '21.

有了这本小册子, our collection has arrived at a further stage in Cantata's engagement with Aesop, marked by the mp3 available online by contrast with a disc earlier published with the book.  The mp3 consists of not just the music but the whole booklet.  音乐:迪恩·琼斯.  The lyrics and music are also printed at the end of the book.  这种模式是由歌曲“O Susanna”设定的.我们邀请读者一起唱.  This version is strong on illustrating the ineffective early efforts of the crow, 谁会发现无人看管的野餐桌.  The song's refrain is "When you have a problem, don't just sit and cry.  努力寻找答案.  如果你试一试,你会看到的."  The picnic people return at the end to the surprise of their pitcher filled with rocks.  四行诗押韵.

2019 狐狸和乌鸦.  由艾玛·卡尔森·伯尔尼复述.  凯拉·斯塔克(Kayla Stark)绘制.  平装书.  北曼卡托,明尼苏达州:康塔塔学习伊索:康塔塔学习.  $7.9月9日,亚马逊., '21.

这本小册子继续了康塔塔与伊索的合作, marked now by the mp3 available online by contrast with a disc earlier published with the book.  The mp3 consists of not just the music but the whole booklet.  音乐:马克·马尔曼.  The lyrics and music are also printed at the end of the book.  The musical pattern is set by the song "When Johnny Comes Marching Home.我们邀请读者一起唱.  The refrain here, repeated on each pair of pages, is "Don't trust those who say sweet words to you!  有时他们可能还想要别的东西."  I find the verse here forced more than in other booklets in the series.  这里的狐狸不会从奉承开始.  She asks for a song, and the crow -- knowing the fox's ways -- resists.  “她只是要我请客.奉承过后,他忘记了.

2019 诚实的樵夫.  由艾玛·卡尔森·伯尔尼复述.  本·怀特豪斯(Ben Whitehouse)绘制.  平装书.  North Mankato, MN: 康塔塔学习伊索寓言:  Cantata Learning.  $9.39从亚马逊,9月., '21.

这本小册子继续了康塔塔与伊索的合作, marked now by the mp3 available online by contrast with a disc earlier published with the book.  The mp3 consists of not just the music but the whole booklet.  埃里克·科斯基宁作曲.  The lyrics and music are also printed at the end of the book.  The musical pattern is set by the song "I've Been Working on the Railroad.我们邀请读者一起唱.  而不是像墨丘利那样古老的神, 我们这里有一个“神奇的灵魂”," imaged here as a stream of water with a head like a drop of water.  Aesop at the booklet's beginning frames the story by saying that the woodcutter has a choice, 无论是否诚实.  “为了你的诚实,你可以保留这三个.关键的副歌是“奖励迟早会来的。."  Quatrains and sextets offer rhymes at their halfway and finishing points.