伊索寓言 > 寓言书 > 系列书籍 > 《动物法典


1978 Le Chat, Le Renard,和其他表格. 插图P. 拉蒂默. 平装书. Paris: 孔蒂 et 寓言 d'Animaux 1: Éditions des Deux Coqs d'Or. $1.70从玛丽热尔韦,圣.-Urbain-Premier, Quebec, Canada, through eBay, Dec., '10.

这是四个12页中的一个 oversized (9" x 11¾") pamphlets I bought from Marie Gervais together. T在这里 seem to be two others in the series beyond these four. 的 illustration style is highly reminiscent of that found in several works: Les Plus Belles 寓言 d'Animaux, published in 1982 by Deux Coqs d'Or; El arca de las Fabulas, published in 1983 by Sigmar in 1983; and work 1979年由Falcon Books英文版出版. 令人惊讶的是 artist listed for those is Sergio Cavina, while these pamphlets are 明确地宣称. 拉蒂默作为插画师. 的 bibliographical notes 在这里 mention a 1976 copyright by Falcon. 总有一天 这个谜将被解开. 这里有五个寓言要么得到2个,要么得到3个 pages each, with an abundance of clever and fine-grain illustrations. Though La Fontaine does not seem to be mentioned, these prose fables 似乎遵循了拉封丹的版本. 本卷的读者会 remember particularly the images of the mosquito as a traveler with satchel and umbrella; of the mosquito upbraiding the sweating horse; and of the weasel stuck in the hole through which he had entered leaner.

1978 勒勒纳和阿卢埃特和其他几张桌子. 插图P. 拉蒂默. 平装书. Paris: 《动物法典 1: Éditions des Deux Coqs d'Or. $1.70从玛丽热尔韦,圣.-Urbain-Premier, Quebec, Canada, through eBay, Dec., '10.

这是四个12页中的一个 oversized (9" x 11¾") pamphlets I bought from Marie Gervais together. T在这里 seem to be two others in the series beyond these four. 的 illustration style is highly reminiscent of that found in several works: Les Plus Belles 寓言 d'Animaux, published in 1982 by Deux Coqs d'Or; El arca de las Fabulas, published in 1983 by Sigmar in 1983; and work 1979年由Falcon Books英文版出版. 令人惊讶的是 artist listed for those is Sergio Cavina, while these pamphlets are 明确地宣称. 拉蒂默作为插画师. 的 bibliographical notes 在这里 mention a 1976 copyright by Falcon. 总有一天 这个谜将被解开. 这里有五个寓言要么得到2个,要么得到3个 pages each, with an abundance of clever and fine-grain illustrations. All five fables are new to me: “ Wolf and the Goat"; “ Giraffe's Neck"; “ 狐狸 and the Lark"; “ Rooster and the Two Cats"; and “ 胆小的兔子." In the first fable, the little goat helps the wolf escape from angry farmers, hoping for a reward. 他知道他唯一的 奖励是活着逃出来. “长颈鹿的脖子”是标准的寓言故事. 小瞪羚羡慕长颈鹿的长脖子. 而他的母亲 suggesting to him that the giraffe's gift has its drawbacks, a leopard 跳跃前进. All the other animals can flee into the woods, but the 长颈鹿不能.. “ 狐狸 and the Lark" seems a variation of "Universal 和平." 的 lark says to the love-protesting fox "Fly up 在这里 and we 你想说什么就说什么!两只猫扮演马的角色拉着国王 rooster's coach, until they get away from the farm, pounce upon him, and 吞噬掉他. “ 胆小的兔子" seems a development of the fable in which the rabbit allows himself delusions of grandeur because of his “鹿角”,其实就是耳朵. 本卷的读者会记得的 particularly the image of the giraffe looking in terror as the leopard bounds with open jaws towards the giraffe's long 脖子.

1978 La Chauve-Souris et les Deux Chats et autres fables. 插图P. 拉蒂默. 平装书. Paris: 《动物法典 3: Éditions des Deux Coqs d'Or. $1.70从玛丽热尔韦,圣.-Urbain-Premier, Quebec, Canada, through eBay, Dec., '10.

这是四个12页中的一个 oversized (9" x 11¾") pamphlets I bought from Marie Gervais together. T在这里 seem to be two others in the series beyond these four. 的 illustration style is highly reminiscent of that found in several works: Les Plus Belles 寓言 d'Animaux, published in 1982 by Deux Coqs d'Or; El arca de las Fabulas, published in 1983 by Sigmar in 1983; and work 1979年由Falcon Books英文版出版. 令人惊讶的是 artist listed for those is Sergio Cavina, while these pamphlets are 明确地宣称. 拉蒂默作为插画师. 的 bibliographical notes 在这里 mention a 1976 copyright by Falcon. 总有一天 这个谜将被解开. 这里有五个寓言要么得到2个,要么得到3个 pages each, with an abundance of clever and fine-grain illustrations. 有几则取材于更著名的寓言. 《老狗的复仇》 features a lame forgotten old dog who learns to dig up truffles and so 赢得了主人的新爱. “猴子和长颈鹿”有一个 monkey who falls on a giraffe's head and enjoys sliding down his long 脖子. 的 monkey can repay the giraffe by getting tender foliage for him 从最高的树枝上. 他们成为朋友,互相欣赏. This story has one of the pamphlet's two best illustrations: the annoyed giraffe looks up toward the monkey who has plopped onto his head. “ Donkey and the Lyre" seems to embellish the standard Iriarte fable: he talks a good game about playing the lyre but cannot do it. “鹰 和鸽子"把我知道的两个寓言放在一起. 鹰是这样开始的 offering to protect the doves from a marauding stone marten. 他收入 to carry away one dove after another, eating them as soon as each is out 看不见其他人. “蝙蝠和两只猫”点缀了 standard fable by having the bat compliment each of the two cats on his particular strength, respectively against mice and against birds. 的 illustration of the pondering cat is the other outstanding illustration 在这里.

1978 Le Chat et la Souris et res tables. NA. 插图P. 拉蒂默. 平装书. Paris: 《动物法典 5: Éditions des Deux Coqs d'Or. $1.70从玛丽热尔韦,圣.-Urbain-Premier, Quebec, Canada, through eBay, Dec., '10.

这是四个12页中的一个 oversized (9" x 11¾") pamphlets I bought from Marie Gervais together. T在这里 seem to be two others in the series beyond these four. 的 illustration style is highly reminiscent of that found in several works: Les Plus Belles 寓言 d'Animaux, published in 1982 by Deux Coqs d'Or; El arca de las Fabulas, published in 1983 by Sigmar in 1983; and work 1979年由Falcon Books英文版出版. 令人惊讶的是 artist listed for those is Sergio Cavina, while these pamphlets are 明确地宣称. 拉蒂默作为插画师. 的 bibliographical notes 在这里 mention a 1976 copyright by Falcon. 总有一天 这个谜将被解开. 这里有五个寓言要么得到2个,要么得到3个 pages each, with an abundance of clever and fine-grain illustrations. 的 first seems straight La Fontaine: “ Animals Sick from the 瘟疫.第二部是《猫和老鼠》.“猫做得很好 service but annoys his master by knocking over olive jars and wine 瓶子,都在追一只老鼠. 大师敲打着, dismisses him, only to see his cellars devastated by mice. MSA是 told in the manner of La Fontaine, but including in its first stage a cart like a wheel-barrow in which to carry the ass! “从来都不开心 “乌龟”对我来说是新的. A young turtle complains of having to carry his 跟他一起去吧. While he complains to a friendly frog, a horse comes 沿着. 的 frog can jump to safety, but the turtle cannot. 然而,他的 shell protects him even as the horse's hoof lands on his shell. “ 《皇冠体育》对我来说也是全新的. 一个猎人带着他的狗来了 毒蛇和獾之间的对峙. 在一个相当复杂的寓言中, the hunter mistakenly shoots the badger, the viper attacks the curious dog, and the hunter wonders what he was doing in butting into other 生物的生活. 的 best of the pamphlet's illustrations might be the ugly look on the master's face as he sends the cat whom he has beaten 远离他的家.
