伊索寓言 > 寓言书 > 系列书籍 > 飞利浦唱片书店 & 记录

飞利浦唱片书店 & 记录

1955 《皇冠体育》第6卷. 1. 小册子. Livre-Disque:飞利浦. $9 from Francine Juneau, Montreal, through eBay, Oct. '02.

Here ten 寓言 are shown and read by Yves-Gérard le Dantec. A 45转/分 record is part of the book; it has its own little envelope inside the front 封面. 单色和多色页面交替使用. 插图很生动. I see by the back 封面 that there are four volumes of La Fontaine. 现在我得找到另外三个! I will keep this specimen, including its record, with the books.

1955 《皇冠体育》第6卷. 1. 平装书. Livre-Disque:飞利浦. $4.99 from T.J. 诺瓦克,圣. 保罗,2012年4月通过eBay.


我已经 have one copy of this book and record, acquired from Francine Juneau 2002年10月通过eBay. 现在我找到了一本比较新的 separate record jacket and a different set of advertisements on its back 封面. This back 封面, for example, features not the fourth but the third member of this series of La Fontaine's 寓言. 正如我刚才提到的, here ten 寓言 are shown and read by Yves-Gérard le Dantec. A 45转/分 唱片是包装的一部分. 单色和多色页面 备用. 插图很生动. 我将保留 在书中一起记录和记录.



1957 《皇冠体育》第6卷. 2. Jean Davy和米歇尔的花束. 平装书. Livre-Disque:飞利浦. $9.95 from endingsandbeginnings, through eBay, August, '05.


Here is Volume Two, found three years after I found Volume One, published in 1955. 这个“Livre-Disque”包含八个寓言. It is not clear what role Jean Davy和米歇尔的花束 play. A 45转/分 record is part of the book; it has its own little envelope inside the front 封面. 小心! 唱片夹的底部是打开的. 单色和多色页面交替使用. 插图很生动. The back 封面 of Volume One seemed to indicate four volumes in the set. 这个封底只显示了两个. I will keep this specimen, including its record, with the books.

1958 《皇冠体育》第6卷. 2. 平装书. Livre-Disque:飞利浦. $4.99 from T.J. 诺瓦克,圣. 保罗,2012年4月通过eBay.


我已经有一份了 book and record, acquired from endingsandbeginnings through eBay in 二零零五年八月. 现在我找到了一本比较新的 separate record 夹克和不同的书封面. 比如这个封面,没有 更长的特点是一个45 RPM记录的图片. 封底显示没有 这个系列的前两卷,但第三卷. 上面的日期 版本是1957年. 这是1958年. 这个“Livre-Disque”包含八个 寓言. I still presume that Jean Davy和米歇尔的花束 read the 寓言. 单色和多色页面交替使用. 插图如下 热闹非凡. 我将把这本书和记录放在一起 这些书.



1958 《皇冠体育》第6卷. 3.  平装书.  Livre-Disque:飞利浦.  7欧元,alexfacit, Ebay, 21年3月.

Here is a third copy of an item already in the collection.  这本书的内页封底注明的日期是1958年, whereas both of those are dated 1961 on the outside back 封面.  Both sides of the back 封面 are differently formatted, as is the upper right of the front 封面.  当我写那些副本的时候, 这个“Livre-Disque”包含八个寓言, 照片和封面上提到:FK, "The Lion and the Mosquito"; BF, "The Ass and the Little Dog"; "The Eye of the Master"; "The Cock, 那只猫, and the Mouse"; 2P; and "The Little Fish and the Angler."  蕾妮·福尔 and Jean Davy are readers of various of the 寓言.  45转记录是书的一部分.  The booklet of 寓言 is attached inside the overall jacket.  As in other volumes, some pages are monochrome and some polychrome.  插图很生动.  I enjoy particularly the vested gentleman holding a lapdog and being accosted by the ass!  I will keep this specimen, including its record, with 这些书.

1961 《皇冠体育》第6卷. 3. 平装书. Livre-Disque:飞利浦. $4.99 from T.J. 诺瓦克,圣. 保罗,2012年4月通过eBay.


At last I have found Number 3 in a series of four combinations of book and record. 有一个轻微的异常, since the only date I can find here is 1961 on the back 封面 of the booklet, 3号的日期是1959年. 这个“Livre-Disque”包含八个寓言, 照片和封面上提到:FK, "The Lion and the Mosquito"; BF, "The Ass and the Little Dog"; "The Eye of the Master"; "The Cock, 那只猫, and the Mouse"; 2P; and "The Little Fish and the Angler." 蕾妮·福尔 and Jean Davy are readers of various of the 寓言. A 45转/分 record is part of the book; it has its own little envelope inside the front 封面. The booklet of 寓言 is attached inside the overall jacket. As in other volumes, some pages are monochrome and some polychrome. 插图很生动. I enjoy particularly the vested gentleman holding a lapdog and being accosted by the ass! I will keep this specimen, including its record, with the books.

1961 《皇冠体育》第6卷. 3.  平装书.  Livre-Disque:飞利浦.  21年3月,alexfacit通过Ebay支付7美元.

Here is a second copy of an item already in the collection.  The LofC cataloguer must have found a different date, because it has 1955 in its call number.  Like our first copy, this has a date of 1961 on its back 封面.  The difference from that copy is that the enclosed 45 rpm record is made in Canada.  让我重复一些评论. 这个“Livre-Disque”包含八个寓言, 照片和封面上提到:FK, "The Lion and the Mosquito"; BF, "The Ass and the Little Dog"; "The Eye of the Master"; "The Cock, 那只猫, and the Mouse"; 2P; and "The Little Fish and the Angler."  蕾妮·福尔 and Jean Davy are readers of various of the 寓言.  A 45转/分 record is part of the book; it has its own little envelope inside the front 封面.  The booklet of 寓言 is attached inside the overall jacket.  As in other volumes, some pages are monochrome and some polychrome.  插图很生动.  I enjoy particularly the vested gentleman holding a lapdog and being accosted by the ass!  I will keep this specimen, including its record, with 这些书.

1959 《皇冠体育》第6卷. 4. 平装书. Livre-Disque:飞利浦. St€5. 巴黎Ouen跳蚤市场,2009年6月.


Here is Volume Four, found four years after I found Volume Two, published in 1957. Apparently I have one more livre-disque to find to have the set of four complete. 这个“Livre-Disque”包含六个寓言, 封面图片:DW, "The Heron"; "The Daughter"; "The Stalled Carter"; "The Merchant, 这位先生, 牧羊人, and the King's Son"; and "The Ass Carrying Relics.——吉恩·戴维, 米歇尔的花束, 蕾妮·福尔, and Robert Manuel are readers of various of the six 寓言. A 45转/分 record is part of the book; it has its own little envelope inside the front 封面. The booklet of 寓言 is attached inside the overall jacket. 小心! 唱片套的底部是打开的. 有些页面是单色的,有些是多色的. 插图很生动. I enjoy particularly the disdainful pose of the young woman and then the contrasting pose of the man she ends up marrying. I will keep this specimen, including its record, with the books.