伊索寓言 > 寓言书 > 系列书籍 > Protea动物故事(南非)


This delightful series from South Africa t结束s to grow by about a volume a year.  我还找到了几本南非荷兰语的.

2011 动物故事1.  G.R. 冯Wielligh.  戴尔·布兰肯纳(戴尔Blankenaar)绘制.  平装书.  比勒陀利亚:普罗蒂亚书屋.  亚马逊12美元.com, 2016年6月.

After happening to find "动物故事3" I sought out the other three in the series.  Again we have spicy stories from South Africa with surprising and engaging illustrations.  这本书的封面上又掉了一块芯片.  2011年出版了两卷, they produced one in 2012 (动物故事3) and one in 2013 (动物故事4).  威利和布兰肯纳自始至终合作.  I notice that they are also available as "Dierestories" in Afrikaans.  The introduction "Telling tales Khoikhoi style" (11) is 结束earing.  It will warm the heart of anyone who loves to hear good stories.  这些是来自南非的辛辣故事. I find less use of standard fable tropes here than I did in "动物故事3."  Typically the stories pit the smart jackal against the stupid wolf.  A short introduction tips off the reader what he or she can learn from the story, 哪一个通常是“pourquoi”的故事.  That is, they tell why porpoises chase after fish and why jackals' tails droop.  实际上是第一个故事, “行走动物和飞行动物之间的战斗,解释了这些以及更多的动物行为.  Closest to the fable world here might be "Dig in our heels, Brother Wolf!" (82), which has jackal talking wolf into having his tail tied to the tail of a sleeping horse.  狼哥哥不会有好结果的!  "Wolf learns to fly" (76) picks up a theme from the Aesopic fable of the turtle learning how to fly.  "Wolf and the human animal" (71) echoes several fables about strong animals encountering a surprisingly effective human being.  As I mentioned about "动物故事3," the art is as creative as the stories.  我喜欢这些书!

 2011 动物故事2.  G.R. 冯Wielligh.  戴尔·布兰肯纳(戴尔Blankenaar)绘制.  平装书.  比勒陀利亚:普罗蒂亚书屋.  亚马逊12美元.com, 2016年6月.

再一次, these engaging stories t结束 toward pourquoi stories and t结束 to have jackal outwitting wolf regularly.  对我来说,最后一个故事特别聪明.  Wolf wants to get even with jackal and draws honey badger into his plot.  They will lure jackal into what he thinks is a stash of honey but is really the tigress' lair where she cares for her four young cubs.  然后他们会用一块石头把那个洞封起来.  他们完美地执行了计划.  豺狼被困在山洞里了.  但是母老虎不在那里.  当她回来时, jackal cleverly says that he saved her cubs from the wolf, 谁可能就在附近.  He will pass one cub at a time to her for feeding, and she can pass the cub back.  So they do and she rests and then goes off to search for the wolf.  与此同时,豺狼吃掉了一只幼崽.  重复这个过程四次.  Then jackal asks the tigress to remove the stone so that they can corner wolf, 他认识的人就在这一带.  She does and soon finds that he is not flushing the wolf out but rather that he has left.  然后她发现她失去了她的幼崽!  See "动物故事1" and "动物故事3" for further comments on the series.  正如我所提到的,艺术和故事一样具有创造性.  我喜欢这些书! 

2011 Dierestories 2.  G.R. 冯Wielligh.  戴尔·布兰肯纳的插图.  平装书.  比勒陀利亚:普罗蒂亚书屋.  $13.摘自The Book Depository, London, 2016年6月.

Here is the Afrikaans version of a book we already have in English.  就像我写的那样, 再一次, these engaging stories t结束 toward pourquoi stories and t结束 to have jackal outwitting wolf regularly.  对我来说,最后一个故事特别聪明.  Wolf wants to get even with jackal and draws honey badger into his plot.  They will lure jackal into what he thinks is a stash of honey but is really the tigress' lair where she cares for her four young cubs.  然后他们会用一块石头把那个洞封起来.  他们完美地执行了计划.  豺狼被困在山洞里了.  但是母老虎不在那里.  当她回来时, jackal cleverly says that he saved her cubs from the wolf, 谁可能就在附近.  He will pass one cub at a time to her for feeding, and she can pass the cub back.  So they do and she rests and then goes off to search for the wolf.  与此同时,豺狼吃掉了一只幼崽.  重复这个过程四次.  Then jackal asks the tigress to remove the stone so that they can corner wolf, 他认识的人就在这一带.  She does and soon finds that he is not flushing the wolf out but rather that he has left.  然后她发现她失去了她的幼崽!  See "动物故事1" and "动物故事3" for further comments on the series.  正如我所提到的,艺术和故事一样具有创造性.  我喜欢这些书!

2012 动物故事3.  G.R. 冯Wielligh.  戴尔·布兰肯纳(戴尔Blankenaar)绘制.  平装书.  比勒陀利亚:普罗蒂亚书屋.  $8.15年7月,波特兰,鲍威尔酒吧,50人.

这里有来自南非的辛辣故事.  我读了前六本书.  虽然他们讲得很有文学天赋, these stories use -- and sometimes combine -- basic fable tropes.  Thus the first story is about getting into the sheepfold but not being able to get out.  The second is about duping a predator by getting the wrong things down his gullet.  The third uses several motifs but among them is a right-before-death plea to one animal holding another: "Please put your paws together and say grace before the meal I am.第五场比赛是狒狒和乌龟之间的比赛.  Tortoise plants look-alike tortoises at a number of spots along the path.  艺术和故事一样富有创造性.  I immediately ordered the other three books in the series.  I learned on Amazon that the crazy-shaped chip out of the cover is not a quirk of just this copy.  How nice to run into people who do things a bit differently!

2013 动物故事4.  G.R. 冯Wielligh.  戴尔Blankenaar.  平装书.  比勒陀利亚:普罗蒂亚书屋.  2016年6月,亚马逊12美元.

这里又是来自南非的辛辣故事.  我读了前六本书.  虽然他们讲得很有文学天赋, these stories use -- and sometimes combine -- basic fable tropes.  Thus the first story has jackal persuade poor wolf to fish with his tail in freezing water.  The third story has crab racing well against jackal because he grabs onto jackal's tail and allows himself to be brought to the finish line.  故事# 6, "Illness in the royal household" (39) has a fable motif; in fact it is very close to a traditional fable except for its 结束ing.  狮子王需要为他生病的家人治疗.  Jackal gets there after wolf -- in this case because Jackal is stealing half of Wolf's Kudu through a false note to Wolf's wife -- and then recomm结束s to the king that the best cure is the skin of a living wolf.  The difference in this case is that wolf runs off before he can be skinned -- and returns with his grandmother as the proper victim, 谁的皮肤幸运地不再需要了.  Story #12, "Where Turtle came from" (71) includes another fable motif.  Tortoise flies across a river when two crows carry him on a stick which he clasps in his mouth while they hold it in their beaks and fly.  In this case Tortoise finally answers when a frog addresses him in kindly fashion.  He comes splashing down and stays in the water and becomes Turtle.  艺术和故事一样富有创造性.  我最喜欢的图片是74页的第十二个故事.  The crazy-shaped chip out of the cover is not a quirk of just this copy.  威利和布兰肯纳继续这个系列真是太好了!

2013 Dierestories 4.  G.R. 冯Wielligh.  戴尔·布兰肯纳的插图. 平装书.  比勒陀利亚:普罗蒂亚书屋.  $7.6月16日,伦敦,The Book Depository.

Here is the Afrikaans version of a book already in the collection in its English version. 就像我写的那样, here are again spicy stories from South Africa.  我读了前六本书.  虽然他们讲得很有文学天赋, these stories use -- and sometimes combine -- basic fable tropes.  Thus the first story has jackal persuade poor wolf to fish with his tail in freezing water.  The third story has crab racing well against jackal because he grabs onto jackal's tail and allows himself to be brought to the finish line.  故事# 6, "Illness in the royal household" (39) has a fable motif; in fact it is very close to a traditional fable except for its 结束ing.  狮子王需要为他生病的家人治疗.  Jackal gets there after wolf -- in this case because Jackal is stealing half of Wolf's Kudu through a false note to Wolf's wife -- and then recomm结束s to the king that the best cure is the skin of a living wolf.  The difference in this case is that wolf runs off before he can be skinned -- and returns with his grandmother as the proper victim, 谁的皮肤幸运地不再需要了.  Story #12, "Where Turtle came from" (71) includes another fable motif.  Tortoise flies across a river when two crows carry him on a stick which he clasps in his mouth while they hold it in their beaks and fly.  In this case Tortoise finally answers when a frog addresses him in kindly fashion.  He comes splashing down and stays in the water and becomes Turtle.  艺术和故事一样富有创造性.  我最喜欢的图片是74页的第十二个故事.  The crazy-shaped chip out of the cover is not a quirk of just this copy.  威利和布兰肯纳继续这个系列真是太好了 in both languages!
