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2009 蚂蚁和蚱蜢. 黛安马尔伍德之间. Gabriele Antonini绘制. 表观首次印刷. 平装书. London/Sydney: 蝌蚪的故事: Franklin Watts. £3.99 from Bookpoint Ltd, Oxford, England, Sept., '11.

这个版本的GA有几个 出人意料的转折. The ant finds the grasshopper out in the cold. 当 he asks for grain, the ant asks him where his grain is. “我在唱歌。 太多了,我一个都没找到." The ant's answer is "You can have some grain, but next year you must find your own.故事的后面是 两个简单的谜题. “蝌蚪的结构是为了提供 support for newly independent readers," as the final page puts it. 一个这样的支持 是大号字体. 一个 weakness in this presentation is that only one page illustrates a single ant, but after the first introduction of "ants," 文中只用单数形式. 孩子们可能会问 蚂蚁在说话.

2009 狼来了的男孩. 伊丽莎白·亚当斯重述. 丹尼尔·豪沃思(Daniel Howarth)绘制. 表观首次印刷. 平装书. London/Sydney: 蝌蚪的故事: Franklin Watts. £3.99 from Bookpoint Ltd, Oxford, England, Sept., '11.

这个版本的BW讲得很好 说明. The boy's second trick, weeks after the first, makes the 村民们交叉. The next day he has to issue his third cry, to which no 一个回应. "And the boy went home without his sheep.故事是这样的 接着是两个简单的谜题. “蝌蚪的结构是为了提供 support for newly independent readers," as the final page puts it. 一个 这样的支持是大字.

2009 狐狸和乌鸦. 由黛安·马伍德复述. Barbara Nascimbeni绘制. 表观首次印刷. 平装书. London/Sydney: 蝌蚪的故事: Franklin Watts. £3.99 from Bookpoint Ltd, Oxford, England, Sept., '11.

This version of FC is lively and well 说明. 一个 great double-page near the center of the book pictures 虚荣的乌鸦(13). Its text is "Crow had always thought she was 美丽的." The fox gobbles up the food and says only "Silly Crow!“什么 the crow had found is pictured as cheese but described only as "food." The story is 接着是两个简单的谜题. “蝌蚪的结构是 provide support for newly independent readers," as the final page puts it. 一个这样的支持是大字体.

2009 狐狸和山羊. 伊丽莎白·亚当斯重述. Liliane Oser绘制. 表观首次印刷. 平装书. London/Sydney: 蝌蚪的故事: Franklin Watts. £3.99 from Bookpoint Ltd, Oxford, England, Sept., '11.

This version of the traditional story has two particular features, I believe. 一个很好的例子是 the fox demonstrating to the goat the delightfulness of being in the (8 - 9). A similar illustration appears on the cover. 另一个 unusual feature occurs on 12-13: the fox points an apparently insulting 手指着困惑的山羊. The fox's only response to the goat's 最后的查询是“傻羊”!故事的后面是 two simple 谜题. “蝌蚪的结构是为了提供 support for newly independent readers," as the final page puts it. 其中一个支持是 大的打印.

2009 兔子和乌龟. 伊丽莎白·亚当斯重述. 安迪·罗兰(Andy Rowland)绘制. 精装的. London/Sydney: Tadpole Tales: Franklin Watts. $14.58 from Blackwell, Oxford, August, '11.

Here is a new series from Blackwell's containing maybe ten titles, about six of which are fables. I just ordered the other four fable editions in paperback from the publisher. The story itself runs from 3 through 21 with vivid full-page illustrations. Hare here is marked by short lines all over his body. Tortoise wears a helmet with goggles perched over the visor. Again, a first single page is followed by illustrations on two-page spreads. Tadpole Tales are meant for the very young: "newly independent readers" according to the last page. Two pages before that page of explanations offer 谜题. 不错的工作!

2009 狮子和老鼠. 由黛安·马伍德复述. 安妮·阿克斯沃西(Anni Axworthy)绘制. 精装的. London/Sydney: Tadpole Tales: Franklin Watts. £8.99 from Blackwell, Oxford, August, '11.

Here is a new series from Blackwell's containing maybe ten titles, about six of which are fables. I just ordered the other four fable editions in paperback from the publisher. The story itself runs from 3 through 21 with vivid full-page illustrations. The first illustration echoes the cover: the mouse is on the lion's nose. Thereafter, all illustrations are two-page spreads. Tadpole Tales are meant for the very young: "newly independent readers" according to the last page. Two pages before that page of explanations offer 谜题. 不错的工作!
