

以下遵从性资源提供专业知识、资源和策略 & 向克赖顿社区提供有关以下方面的程序和培训:




皇冠体育博彩大学 is committed to meeting not only the requirements but the spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act and its amendments. 大学崇尚开放的文化, 支持性的教育和工作环境, and the promotion of equality and reasonable accommodation for students and employees with disabilities.

皇冠体育博彩大学 is required to provide reasonable accommodations for qualified employees and students. 住宿将根据具体情况而定.

鼓励学生与 学生无障碍服务 或者向他们学校的教务处寻求帮助.

鼓励员工相互联系 人力资源 寻求帮助.

For additional information on the Americans with Disabilities Act see the University's ADA Committee 网站.



皇冠体育博彩大学 believes that each individual should be treated with respect and dignity, 以及任何形式的骚扰, 歧视, 性和/或关系不端是对人类尊严的侵犯.

的 教育法第九章和民权遵从办公室 作品 to foster an environment that promotes and respects the human dignity of all members of the Creighton community.

如果你经历过任何形式的骚扰, 歧视, 不正当的性行为, 或者关系不端, the 教育法第九章和民权遵从办公室 is 在这里 to provide you with resources and options.




Export controls are laws and regulations that restrict the use of and access to certain goods and information for reasons of national security or protection of trade. 的se controls also restrict financial transactions and provision of services to certain foreign entities. 它们的存在是为了防止恐怖主义和大规模毁灭性武器的扩散, 以及保护美国的安全和经济利益. Providing goods or information to a foreign national is potentially an export under these regulations, 除了传统的出口定义.

研究人员应该特别注意这些规定, as the combination of innovative research and an open academic environment could lead to the unintended dissemination of controlled goods to restricted parties. Failure to comply with export control laws can lead to economic fines or even imprisonment.

以下链接提供有关出口管制地区的更详细信息. For more detailed information, please contact Creighton’s export control representative at exportcontrols@ybcjlb.com.




学生记录的机密性由FERPA监管, 《家庭教育权和隐私法. 参见大学的 注册处 了解更多信息.



皇冠体育博彩的 财政援助办事处 is dedicated to exploring solutions for each family's unique financial situation to aid families in determining the best way to make college affordable.



Confidentiality and security of protected health information/patient records is regulated by the Health Insurance Portability & 责任法案(HIPAA).

大学的HIPAA政策可以找到 在这里.



创造一个安全、无性暴力的环境, 歧视性的骚扰 and 歧视 speaks to the 皇冠体育博彩大学 community's commitment to the dignity of all persons.  当我们社区的成员意识到性暴力的情况, 歧视性的骚扰, 和/或歧视可能已经发生, 我们强烈鼓励他们将这一信息报告给第九条办公室 & 民权法规.  All 教师 and all 工作人员 with supervisory or leadership responsibilities or responsibilities related to student welfare are required to report 不正当的性行为, 关系不端歧视骚扰, 对大学的歧视.

T在这里 are several resources available to individuals on this site including a link to the university's 强制性记者政策.  如果您有问题或需要其他信息, 联系第九条办公室 & 402号的民权法规.280.3189




Creighton 体育运动 has a number of responsibilities related to NCAA and Big East Conference regulations that pertain to student athletes, 教练, 工作人员, boosters and agents and their interactions with the Creighton community and its supporters.  体育合规办公室 can provide guidance and assistance to any member of the Creighton community with questions related to student athletes.



Patents, trademarks, and copyrights offer protection for creators of intellectual property.


A patent protects an invention by providing the inventor with a set of exclusive rights which prevent others from making, 使用, 要约出售, 未经发明人同意出售发明的. 无形的创意本身不能申请专利. 这个想法必须变成一项发明, 创新产品, device or process that offers new solutions to a problem in order for the applicant to be able to seek a patent. 专利保护机械领域的产品, 制造业, 物质的组成(化学物质的组合), 工艺(制造方法).


商标保护所有者专有使用图像的权利, 标志, 用来在市场上区分特定商品或服务的短语或词语. Trademarks exist to give consumers confidence that they are getting the quality of product they expect when they purchase an item.


Copyrights protect 作品 of authorship and cover: a) 作品 of art (2 or 3 dimensional), b)照片, 图片, 图形设计, drawings and other forms of images; c) songs, music and sound recordings of all kinds; d) books, 手稿, publications and other written 作品; and e) plays, 电影, 显示, 以及其他表演艺术.

有关专利、商标和版权的更多信息,请联系 智力资源管理处.


©2006皇冠体育博彩大学(或适当的教员). 版权所有. 未经版权所有人许可,请勿复制.

Here are some general principles to support the standard copyright notice for Creighton.

  1. 版权有保障 自动 当作品被创作时,在原创作品的作者身份中. 当一件作品第一次以有形的形式固定时,它就被“创造”了.

  2. 根据美国法律,不再要求使用版权声明. S. 法律,虽然它常常是有益的…….. 使用通知可能很重要,因为它 告知公众该作品受版权保护,识别版权所有者,并显示首次出版的年份. 此外, 如果作品被侵犯, if a proper notice of copyright appears on the published copy or a copy to which a defendant in a copyright infringement suit had access, then the defendant cannot claim to be an innocent infringer (except in certain limited instances).参见版权基础,美国版权局.

  3. 的 use of the copyright notice is the responsibility of the copyright owner and does not require advance permission from, 或者注册, 版权局.

  4. 通知应该采取什么形式? 的 symbol © (the letter C in a circle); the word “Copyright” or the abbreviation “Copr. and the year of first publication; and the name of the copyright owner.

  5. 示例:©2006 John Doe

  6. Keep in mind that 教师 members are (generally) the copyright owners in scholarly 作品 they prepare. 参见皇冠体育博彩的知识产权政策.2.3. Most other 作品 (those that are created by non-教师 employees or that are created 使用 substantial resources of the University) are “owned” by 皇冠体育博彩大学, 根据雇佣原则. In these cases, the appropriate copyright notice would be: © 2006 皇冠体育博彩大学.

  7. 通知应该更进一步吗? 上述示例列出了版权局建议的通知形式. 一些版权声明走得更远, 并添加以下语句(除了您上面看到的内容之外). 版权所有. 未经版权所有人许可,请勿复制.这可能是一个很好的补充(尽管不是必需的)。.

  8. 因此,综上所述,采用以下方式作为标准的版权声明:

    ©2006皇冠体育博彩大学(或适当的教员). 版权所有. 未经版权所有人许可,请勿复制.

  9. Final note about common law copyright: 的 doctrine of common-law copyright was long statutorily preserved for 未发表的 作品, but the 1976 revision of the federal copyright law abrogated the distinction between published and 未发表的 作品, 用单一的联邦制度取代自第一部版权法以来一直存在的制度.




公共安全处 皇冠体育博彩大学的教授与学生合作, 教师, 还有工作人员来帮助和保护人们, 安全属性, 解决问题, 提高皇冠体育质量.




皇冠体育博彩大学 is committed to meeting not only the requirements but the spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act and its amendments.  大学崇尚开放的文化, 支持性的教育和工作环境, and the promotion of equality and reasonable accommodation for students and employees with disabilities.

皇冠体育博彩大学 is required to provide reasonable accommodations for qualified employees and students.  住宿将根据具体情况而定.

鼓励学生与 学生无障碍服务 或者向他们学校的教务处寻求帮助.

鼓励员工相互联系 人力资源 寻求帮助.

For additional information on the Americans with Disabilities Act see the University's ADA Committee 网站.

第九条 & 民权法规

第九条 & 民权法规

皇冠体育博彩大学 believes that each individual should be treated with respect and dignity, 以及任何形式的骚扰, 歧视, 性和/或关系不端是对人类尊严的侵犯.

的 教育法第九章和民权遵从办公室 作品 to foster an environment that promotes and respects the human dignity of all members of the Creighton community.

如果你经历过任何形式的骚扰, 歧视, 不正当的性行为, 或者关系不端, the 教育法第九章和民权遵从办公室 is 在这里 to provide you with resources and options.




皇冠体育博彩大学 人力资源 本署致力创造和培育关怀文化, 培养和获取人才, 提供附加值, 具有成本效益的服务.




Patents, trademarks, and copyrights offer protection for creators of intellectual property. 


A patent protects an invention by providing the inventor with a set of exclusive rights which prevent others from making, 使用, 要约出售, 未经发明人同意出售发明的. 无形的创意本身不能申请专利. 这个想法必须变成一项发明, 创新产品, device or process that offers new solutions to a problem in order for the applicant to be able to seek a patent.  专利保护机械领域的产品, 制造业, 物质的组成(化学物质的组合), 工艺(制造方法).


商标保护所有者专有使用图像的权利, 标志, 用来在市场上区分特定商品或服务的短语或词语. Trademarks exist to give consumers confidence that they are getting the quality of product they expect when they purchase an item.


Copyrights protect 作品 of authorship and cover: a) 作品 of art (2 or 3 dimensional), b)照片, 图片, 图形设计, drawings and other forms of images; c) songs, music and sound recordings of all kinds; d) books, 手稿, publications and other written 作品; and e) plays, 电影, 显示, 以及其他表演艺术.  

有关专利、商标和版权的更多信息,请联系 智力资源管理处.


保密,隐私 & 安全信息



的 information security team at Creighton offers a number of services as a part of its mission to help protect all members of the Creighton community from threats to their computers and information assets. 看到 资讯科技部 欲知更多资料.