

恭喜你被皇冠体育博彩大学录取! 要保住你的位置,请登录 你的学生门户 提交订金. 了解更多关于下面的步骤.


大学本科生的录取截止日期是5月1日, 但是你可以在任何时候承诺, 我们鼓励你保住你在皇冠体育博彩的位置!

As you narrow your list, you can let schools know if they aren't on your radar anymore. 提交保证金表明你想要进入那所学校. Institutions reserve the right to rescind an offer of admission if they find you’ve made a double deposit. 

皇冠体育博彩大学的本科生押金是400美元. (350美元用于学费,50美元用于住房申请费.和大多数大学一样,皇冠体育博彩大学的学费是不可退还的. 

如果您对提交押金有疑问, 联系你的皇冠体育博彩顾问.


一旦你被皇冠体育博彩大学录取, make sure to complete the following steps so we can send you the I-20 and immigration paperwork. These documents will allow you to prepare and set a date for your visa interview.



  • 可用资金证明
  • 一个 下列的:
    • 本年银行对账单:必须显示银行名称和地址, 货币和银行账户信息(账户持有人姓名), 账户号码)  
    • Signed and notarized letter from the bank with bank details (name and title of person issuing the letter), 银行账户信息(账户持有人姓名), 账户号码) and amount available in the account in the home currency and in US dollars  
    • Sponsorship/scholarship letter with contact information of company/organization




押金:一定要 保留您的位置 今天在克赖顿!

一旦我们审查了上述所有项目, 我们会处理并邮寄你的I-20到你现在的地址. 当时, 如果需要的话, please use the SEVIS number located on your I-20 to pay your SEVIS fee and book a slot for your visa interview.

For more information on what to expect at your visa interview and for practice tips, 去你当地旅行一趟 教育部门. 他们会帮助你了解接下来会发生什么, 准备什么,带什么文件.


Creighton makes it easy for admitted transfer students with sufficiently high grades (C or higher) earned at an accredited post-secondary institution to transfer credit.

启动信用转移过程, 请寄上你所有的正式学院和/或大学成绩单 电子. 你申请的大学 艺术与科学海德商学院 or 护理 -决定每个特定课程如何转换.

最多80个学分可以转换为皇冠体育博彩学位. To graduate from Creighton, you must complete at least 48 credit hours at Creighton.

浏览下面了解每个学院的转移过程. We encourage you to get in touch with the transfer counselor for your intended college.

  • 文理学院. This college reviews transfer credits after the student is accepted to Creighton. For more information, please get in touch with our Assistant Dean, Gerry Kuhlman:
  • 海德商学院. The credit-transference evaluation occurs during the college application review process for the 海德商学院. For more information, please get in touch with our Assistant Dean, Charisse Williams:
  • 护理学院. 因为我们有直接入学的护理学学士学位, our traditional BSN nursing program is generally full with incoming freshmen; therefore, 我们没有地方给即将到来的转学生. 我们提供 一年护理学加速学士(ABSN)课程 for students who have previously earned a bachelor’s degree in another discipline. 如果你想了解更多关于加速护理项目的信息, 请发邮件给我们护理学院的招聘团队 nursing@ybcjlb.com.


Many students come to Creighton with possible college credit to be applied to their Creighton degree. 皇冠体育博彩大学 awards university credit for certain scores on college-level examinations such as Advanced Placement (AP) exams, 剑桥国际A-Level考试, 大学水平考试计划(CLEP)考试, 标准化科目考试(DSST)考试, 国际文凭(IB)考试. 

然而, 根据大学转学分政策, university credit will not be awarded for examinations covering remedial knowledge and skills that students should have acquired in high school.

Exam credit may be awarded for a specific 皇冠体育博彩大学 course or for elective credit. Exam credit may be awarded for a specific 皇冠体育博彩大学 course at the introductory level provided that the specific course does not have a course prerequisite that the student has not yet satisfied. 在其他情况下, elective credit may be awarded according to the most current standards published by the university. 皇冠体育博彩大学 will award up to a total of 32 hours of exam credit to any given student. 欲了解更多信息,请咨询院长办公室.



  • AP exam scores as offered by the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB)
  • 大学水平考试计划(CLEP)考试成绩
  • Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) A-level grades as offered by Cambridge University
  • 国际文凭(IB) IB高级(HL)考试

请 review the exams we accept and the corresponding benchmarks for each:

  • AP考试接受和基准. 核实你的AP成绩, you must request that the CEEB send them directly to 皇冠体育博彩大学 via our college code, 6121. 要拒绝AP学分,请下载本科 申请拒绝贷款表格 按照指示去做.
  • CLEP考试接受和基准. 验证您的CLEP分数, you must request that CLEP send them directly to 皇冠体育博彩大学 via our college code, 6121.
  • AICE考试接受和基准. 请 皇冠体育 有关如何核实你的AICE A-level成绩的说明.
  • IB考试接受和基准. Creighton will award up to 30 credit hours for sufficiently high IB HL exams. 请皇冠体育[链接到新的皇冠体育博彩联系页面.]查阅有关如何核实你的IB学分的说明.


College credits taken during high school will transfer to Creighton provided the student took the course through an accredited institution and passed with a grade of “C” or better. The Dean’s Office of the student’s college will review the course description of these classes and determine if it matches up to the requirements for a class at Creighton.

有资格获得信贷, you must request that the awarding institution send your official transcript directly to the Creighton college to which you are applying.

If the descriptions match, the student will receive the credit for that class at Creighton. If the descriptions don’t match, the credit will still likely come in but as elective credit. College credits are reviewed after the May 1st deadline for enrolling freshmen. 学生应联络 皇冠体育博彩顾问 还有其他问题吗?.


被录取的本科生,一定要参加我们的录取学生日! Get to know the Creighton community and see what life on campus is all about at this activity-filled event. 

99%的大学生找到了工作, pursuing advanced studies or in a service program within 6 months of graduation
全国排名.S. 新闻 & 世界报道


准备好成为一只冠蓝鸦? 我们等不及要见你了! Once you’ve made your deposit, there are just a few more steps for undergraduates to complete. 查看您的学生门户网站了解下一步的步骤.

然后一定要为新杰伊探索信息. 查找日期夏季预览,欢迎周和更多.


查找首次住房申请, roommate information and answers to some frequently asked housing questions.


“Creighton students, staff, and faculty have some of the kindest hearts you will ever find.”

Avani Khaparde


