Avanija R. Kanmanthareddy, MBBS

Assistant Professor


School of Medicine

Avanija R. Kanmanthareddy, MBBS

Assistant Professor




Assistant Professor


  • Endosc Int Open
    Buddam, Ava, Buddam A, Rao S, Koppala J, Rangray R, Abdussalam A, Mukherjee S, Andukuri V, Chandra S. Over-the-Scope clip as first-line therapy for ulcers with high-risk bleeding stigmata is efficient comparedto standard endoscopic therapy. Endoscopic Int Open. 2021, Sep. Pub Status: Published. 2021
  • World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery
    Buddam, Ava, Buddam A, Chandan S, Mukherjee S. Advances in management of achalasia- Comprehensive review. World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery. 2021, Feb. Pub Status: Submitted under review. 2021
  • Annals of Gastroenterology
    Chandan, Saurabh, Chandan S, Buddam A, Khan S, Mohan B, Ramai D, Bilal M, Dhindsa B, Bhogal N, Lena K, Perisetti A,Facciorusso A, Adler D. Use of therapeutic anticoagulation in acute pancreatitis associated splanchnicvein thrombosis - A systematic review and meta-analysis of published literature. Annals of gastroenterology. 2021, Feb. Pub status: Published 2021
  • Endoscopy
    Klair, J, Klair J, Ashat M, Johnson D, Arora S, Onteddu N, Machain J, Samuel R, Bilal M, Buddam A, Gupta A, Gunderson A, Guturu P, Soota K, Chandra S, Murali A. Serrated polyp detection rate and advanced 6 adenoma detection rate from a US multicenter cohort. Endoscopy. 2020, Jan; 52(1): 61-67. Pub Status: Published. 2020
  • Gastric Stasis
    Buddam, Ava, Buddam A. and Dacha, S. (2018, February 18). Gastric Stasis. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK482271/, Pub Status: Published. 2018


  • Addasi Y, Buddam A, Jenkins E, Chandra S. A case series of esophageal intramural pseudodiverticulosis. ACG 2021 2021
  • Picking C, Buddam A, Chandra S. Rectal perforation: a rare complication from anorectal manometry. A case report and literature review. ACG 2021 2021
  • Alam M, Buddam A, Jenkins E. Plot twist: It was the bowel prep. A case report. ACG 2021 2021
  • Cheek A, Buddam A, Buaisha H. Crohns colitis mimicking ischemic colitis: A case report. ACG 2021 2021
  • Buddam A, Koppala J, Rao S, Rangray R, Abdussalam A, Mukherjee S, Andukuri V, Chandra S. Use of Over-the-Scope Clip for Ulcers With High Risk Stigmata Is Effective and Efficient Without Added Cost. Presented at the GME research symposium 2021. Creighton University School of Medicine, Omaha, NE. 2021
  • Gorantla R, Buddam A, Dietz N, Mukherjee S. Acute Severe Cholestatic Hepatitis B Infection in an Immune-Competent Patient. Presented at ACG 2020. 2020
  • Buddam A, Vellanki M, Chandra S, Rangray R. Pseudomembranous Colitis in Ischemic Colitis Secondary to Methamphetamine Use: A Diagnostic Challenge. Presented at ACG 2020 2020
  • Buddam A, Koppala J, Rao S, Rangray R, Abdussalam A, Mukherjee S, Andukuri V, Chandra S. Use of Over-the-Scope Clip for Ulcers With High Risk Stigmata Is Effective and Efficient Without Added Cost. Presented at ACG 2020. 2020
  • Buddam A, Walters R, Gapp J, Eganhouse M, Hermes J, Chandra S. (May, 2019) Impact of interval between bowel prep and procedure on quality of bowel prep: An observation from a large midwest cohort. Poster presented at: DDW 2019; San Diego, CA, USA 2019
  • Buddam A, Buaisha H, Jenkins E. ( May, 2019). Improving screening for anxiety and depression in IBD patients. Poster presented at: GME Quality improvement symposium at Creighton University School of Medicine 2019
  • Buddam A, Brittan K, Petersen J, Etherton G. (May, 2019) Improving patient safety incident reporting by physicians at Omaha VAMC. Poster presented at: GME Quality improvement symposium at Creighton University School of Medicine. 2019
  • Buddam A, Brittan K, Petersen J, Etherton G. (May, 2019) Improving patient safety incident reporting by physicians at Omaha VAMC. Oral presentation. Presented at the virtual national CRQS (Chief residency in quality and safety) conference. 2019
  • Buddam A, Walters R, Gapp J, Eganhouse M, Hermes J, Chandra S. (May, 2019) Impact of interval between bowel prep and procedure on quality of bowel prep: An observation from a large midwest cohort. Poster presented at: DDW 2019; San Diego, CA, USA 2019
  • Dhaliwal A, Buddam, A Chandan, S, Sayles, MS, Bhat I, Singh S, Hewlett, A, Antoniak D, Rochling F. 2019
  • Kassim T, Hall A, Walters R, Gapp J, Buddam A, Ahmad D, Rangray R, Reddymasu S. (June, 2018). Recent trends in performance of early esophagogastroduodenoscopy in patients with non-variceal gastrointestinal bleeding: A nationwide study. Poster presented at: DDW 2018; Washington, DC, USA. 2018
  • Buddam A, WaltersR, Kassim T, Mukherjee S, Vivekanandan R. Incidence of pancreatitis and graft failure resulting from pancreatitis after pancreas transplantation: Descriptive analysis of UNOS database. Gastroenterology. 2018, May; 154(6): S-948. Poster presented at: DDW 2018; Washington, DC, USA. 2018
  • Buddam A, Kanmanthareddy A, Devidi M, Dacha S. The significance of Chronic Abdominal Wall Pain, association with Fibromyalgia and Response to Treatment with Trigger Point Injections: A Retrospective Study. American Journal of gastroenterology. 2018, Jun; Poster presented at : ACG 2018; Philadelphia, PA, USA. 2018
  • Kassim T, Hall A, Walters R, Gapp J, Buddam A, Abdalla A, Mukherjee S, Reddymasu S. (June, 2019). Utility of early esophagogastroduodenoscopy in patients with gastro-esophageal variceal bleeding: Analysis of a national database. Poster presented at: DDW 2018; Washington, DC, USA. 2018