雅各 马丁 特朗普,硕士,博士



DHHC - Dowling Hall/Humanities Center - 113

雅各 马丁 特朗普,硕士,博士


雅各 Rump's research lies at the intersection of epistemology, 意义和语言理论, 和意向性, 怀着特殊的兴趣, 近年来, 在人工智能领域. 从历史的角度看, he specializes in the phenomenological tradition and its intersections with the history of analytic philosophy. His research and teaching brings neglected insights from these traditions into dialogue with contemporary philosophical concerns.


  • Theory of Meaning, Epistemology, 哲学 of AI, 19th-20th C. 欧洲哲学(尤指. Phenomenology), Wittgenstein, 历史 of Analytic 哲学


Theory of Meaning, Epistemology, 哲学 of Artificial Intelligence, 19th-20th C. European 哲学, 历史 of 哲学 (incl. 历史 of Analytic), Wittgenstein, Ethics, 哲学 of 历史, 哲学 and Literature 





  • Making Sense of Significance: Intentionality, Content, 和意义 in the Age of AI (philosophy monograph in progress) 2023


  • Reflection and Reduction beyond the Analytic-Continental Divide
  • 合成
    The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology and Phenomenological 哲学, Ed. De Santis, Hopkins, and Majolino (纽约: Routledge) , p. 376-88. 2020
  • From Word to Flesh: Embodied Racism and the New Politics, Journal of Religion and Society 2020
  • '胡塞尔ian Phenomenology, Rule-following, and Primitive Normativity
    《皇冠体育博彩》主编. C. Engelland. 纽约:Routledge 2020
  • Not How the World is, but That It Exists: Wittgenstein on the Mystical and the Meaningful
    Mysticism 和意义: Multidisciplinary Perspectives (Three Pines Press/ University of Hawaii) 2019
  • 《皇冠体育》
    "Making Sense of the Lived Body and the Lived World: Meaning and Presence in 胡塞尔, 德里达和诺伊"
    51 (2), p. 141-67 2018
  • Metodo: international Studies in Phenomenology and 哲学
    "Meaning, 经验, and the Modern Self: The Phenomenology of Spontaneous Sense in Woolf’s Mrs. 史册。”
    6 (1), p. 317-55 2018
  • 胡玛纳.Mente
    “On the Use and Abuse of Teleology for Life: Intentionality, 自然主义, and Meaning Rationalism in 胡塞尔 and Millikan”  
    34, p. 41-75 2018
  • 中西部哲学研究
    "The Epistemic Import of Affectivity: A 胡塞尔ian Account"
    卷. 41: Phenomenology of Affective Life, p. 82-104 2017
  • 研究生院哲学期刊
    “现象学, 历史意义, and the Limits of Representation: Perspectives on Carr's 经验 and 历史"
    37 (2), p. 401-26 2016
  • 丹麦哲学年鉴
    "历史 as Soil and Sediment: Geological Tropes of Historicity in Heidegger, 胡塞尔, 梅洛庞蒂”
    卷. 48-49, p. 139-52 2016
  • 施普林格
    "Kant, 胡塞尔, and the Case for Non-conceptual Content"
    胡塞尔 and Classical German 哲学 (edited volume), p. 293-308 2014
  • 现象学研究
    “知识, 世事, and the Movement of 历史" (review article on Soren Olesen's Transcendental 历史)
    44 (3), p. 441-52 2014
  • 萨特国际研究
    "Lévi-Strauss, Barthes, and the 'Structuralist Activity' of Sartre's Dialectical Reason"
    17 (2), p. 1-15 2011


  • Walter de Gruyter
    Co-translation (from German) of Theodor Elsenhans' “现象学, 心理学, Epistemology" (Kant Studien review essay on 胡塞尔's Ideas I ), Andrea Staiti和Evan Clarke
    胡塞尔思想的来源1(主编). Staiti and Clarke) 2018
  • 现象学与心灵
    Translation (from French) of Valerie Kokoszka's "Phenomenological Habitus and Social Creativity"
    卷. 6: Mind, Habits, and Social Reality 2014
  • Contributions of the Ludwig Wittgenstein Society
    "The Transcendental 'Foundation' of Meaning in 经验: A Reading of Wittgenstein's On Certainty"
    卷. XIX: Epistemology: Contexts, Values, Disagreement. Ed. C. 耶格和W. 吕弗勒. 2011
  • 尼采研究杂志
    Translation (from German) of Nicolai Nicodemo's "卷ker Gerhardt: Friedrich Nietzsche" (review essay)


  • 胡塞尔的研究
    回顾海纳马, Hartimo, 和米蒂宁(编), Phenomenology and the Transcendental (Routledge 2014)
    32 (3) 2016
  • 《皇冠体育》
    Review of Steven Crowell, Normativity and Phenomenology in 胡塞尔 and Heidegger (Cambridge 2013)
    47 (3-4) 2014
  • 哲学史杂志
    Review of Frank Ankersmit, Meaning, Truth, and Reference in Historical Representation (Cornell 2012)
    51 (4) 2013


  • “体验, 判断, and the Limits of Language: Sense and Significance in 胡塞尔's Transcendental Logic" Central Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association (mainprogram), 丹佛, 2019年科罗拉多州
  • "From Linguistic Analysis to Life-Projects: 胡塞尔's Account of Meaning as "Bridge" for the Analytic-Continental Divide,“胡塞尔圈子, 国立农业大学&急性;坏疽éxico, Mexico City, Mexico 2018
  • "Beyond the 'Logical Productions of Sense': Embodiment, 理解, and Teleology" Workshop in Phenomenological 哲学, 加州大学默塞德分校2018年
  • “化身, 经验, and the (Lived) Space of Meaning: Some Reflections from Phenomenology and Enactivist 哲学 of Mind" You Are Here: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Space, 的地方, 和体现, 皇冠体育博彩大学, 奥马哈, 内布拉斯加州2018
  • "From Linguistic Analysis to Life-Projects: 胡塞尔's Account of Meaning as "Bridge" for the Analytic-Continental Divide," 哲学 部门 Papers in Progress Presentation, 皇冠体育博彩大学2018年
  • 胡塞尔论情感, 动机, 和意义," Workshop in Phenomenological 哲学, 福特汉姆大学, 纽约, 2017纽约
  • "动机s Beyond Words: Affect Scripts and Embodied Meaning," philoSOPHIA: Society for Continental Feminism, 11th Annual Meeting: Affect and Social Justice, 波卡拉顿, 2017年佛罗里达