Henry A . Sakowski, II, MD




Henry A . Sakowski, II, MD







  • 医学教学与学习
    17:4, p. 370 - 375 2005
  • 普通内科杂志
    骑士克里斯托弗L., Developing a peer review process for web-based curricula
    19:5第二部分,p. 594 - 598 2004
  • 普通内科杂志
    詹姆斯·D., Resource Use in Treating Alcohol- and Drug-related Diagnoses
    19:1, p. 36 - 42 2004
  • MedGenMed Medscape普通医学
    罗纳德·J., Comparative value of clinical information in making a diagnosis
    6:2 2004
  • 普通内科杂志
    Maio Anna, Comparative value of clinical information in making a diagnosis.
    18, p. 248 - 248 2003
  • 学习医学
    亨利·萨科夫斯基., Critical Appraisal of Alternative Therapies:A Mini‐course
    77:5, p. 471 2002
  • 学习医学
    亨利·萨科夫斯基., Web-based case simulations for a primary care clerkship
    76:5, p. 547 - 547 2001
  • 学习医学
    Sakowski Henrya, Web-based case simulations for a primary care clerkship
    76:5, p. 547 2001


  • Sakowski H, Carbullido, D, Unlocking the Value of Transitional Care Management across Payment Models. Podium Presentation, HIMMS National Meeting Orlando, FL March 12, 2024. 2024
  • 萨科夫斯基,H,多伦多J. Strengthening Value-based Care through Provider Partnerships. CMS SSP学习系统网络研讨会. 专家讨论. 2023年4月27日
  • Hanke, L, Sakowski H, Hoover B, Sher B, Miller Katherine. Pursuing Value: Whats Next for Medicare and Medicaid? 专家表示. HFMA Nebraska Chapter Annual Meeting 奥马哈市东北 March 23, 2023. 2023
  • Sakowski H From Volume to Value: The Road Less Traveled. 领导林肯,2020年2月20日. 2020年东北部林肯市
  • Oasan, A, Sakowski H, Grundy P. Connecting the Dots: Data Activation for High-intensity Care Delivery at CHI Health Partners. 网络研讨会4/25/2019. 2019
  • Sakowski H Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska Value-based Care and Care Management Forum. 2019年3月19日,小组成员. 2019
  • 基于价值的护理-更新.皇冠体育博彩大学/UNMC Psychiatry Resident Lecture Series. 2017
  • 基于价值的护理. 皇冠体育博彩大学/UNMC Psychiatry Resident Lecture Series. 2017
  • Sakowski H. 医生如何获得报酬. 皇冠体育博彩大学, Dimensions of Clinical 医学: How 医学 is Paid for-2016. 2017
  • Sakowski H. 基于价值的护理和ACOs. 皇冠体育博彩大学, Dimensions of Clinical 医学: How 医学 is Paid for-2016 2016
  • Sakowski H. 不断变化的医疗保健前景. Creighton UNMC Psychiatry Residency Program Medical Economics Lecture Series. 2016
  • 萨科夫斯基H, Oasan A. "How a Clinically Integrated Network Reduced Risk by Engaging High-Risk Patients" HFMA Webinar. 2014
  • Oasan A, Sakowski H. How a physician hospital organization reduced risk through engagement with high-risk members: UniNet Healthcare Network. 家庭主妇协会第一次会议. 拉斯维加斯,内华达州. 2014
  • Sakowski H. What Success Looks Like After Healthcare Reform. 4th Annual Creighton Cardiovascular Symposium. 凤凰城,阿兹. 2013
  • Sakowski H. 术前评估. Creighton Internal 医学 Resident Board Review. 2013
  • 16) Cichowski E, Sakowski H, Hashish H, Baltaro R. 宽阴离子间隙非酸中毒1例. 海报展示全国SGIM会议. 2004年5月芝加哥,伊利诺伊州2004年
  • 李建平,李建平, Jeffries W,Coleman R, Houghton B, Kosoko-Lasaki, S, Goodman M. Dimension in Clinical 医学: An Interclerkship Program. Poster Presentation CGEA Meeting 奥马哈市东北 2004
  • Young D, Houghton B, Sakowski H, Dunlay R, Rich E. Introduction of Handheld Computers into the 3rd year Medical Student Internal 医学 Clerkship. Poster presentation 2004 CGEA meeting 奥马哈市东北. 2004
  • Delos Santos R, Sakowski H. Hunting for Zebras: From Histoplasmosis to Waldenstroms. Poster presentation at 2003 Nebraska ACP meeting. 2003
  • Using Interclerkships to Fill Gaps in the Clinical Curriculum 2003
  • SGIM Web-based Curriculum Interest Group 2003
  • 对初级保健的兴趣下降: One School's experience 2002
  • Web-based Clinical Curriculum Interest Group 2002
  • 对初级保健的兴趣下降. 李建平,李建平. National SGIM meeting-poster presentation 2002
  • An evidence based approach to teaching complimentary and alternative medicine. 2001年全国CDIM会议
  • An Evidence based approach to teaching complimentary and alternative medicine. 中西部地区SGIM会议. 2001
  • Web-based Clinical Curriculum SGIM Interest group San Diego, CA 2001
  • Transforming 医学 Clerkship Case-based Curriculum for Web-based Instruction: Lessons Learned. 2001年加州圣地亚哥SGIM全国会议
  • Bramble J, Sakowski H, EsterBrooks D, Rich E. The Treatment of Alcohol and Drug Related Diagnosis in Teaching Hospitals: Hospital Resource Use And Efficiency. 摘要及海报展示, National SGIM meeting San Diego, CA 2001
  • Appel J, Friedman E, Jacobs M, Aranha A, Defer T, Gordon J, Sakowski H. ACDIM Analysis of Student Learning in an Ambulatory Setting. 全国CDIM会议摘要及海报. 2000
  • 李建军,李建军,李建军. Effect of the Clinical Setting of an Early Longitudinal Primary Care Clinical Experience on Medical Student's Career Choice. 摘要及海报展示. 中西部地区SGIM. 2000
  • 李建军,李建军,李建军. Effect of an Early Longitudinal Primary Care Clinic Experience on Student Attitudes and Interest in Primary Care. 摘要及海报展示. 中西部地区SGIM 2000
  • Developing Interactive cases for student education on the Internet, SGIM 1999
  • Effect of a Third-year Ambulatory Block on Student Performance on the Internal 医学 Subject Examination, 1999年SGIM海报
  • Using Electronic Communication in the Clerkship, CDIM 1999
  • Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Internal 医学 Ambulatory noon conference series 1999
  • Management of Shock, Internal 医学 Student Club 1999
  • Mistakes to avoid in residency, Senior colloquim 1999
  • 1999年全国初级保健日演讲

  • 年度最佳供应商
    内布拉斯加州医疗补助 Provider of the year Award, 2019