David L . Sidebottom, MS, PhD



D Sidebottom


College of Arts and Sciences
Graduate School
Physics (Master of Science)
hhsb - Hixson科学大楼- G73

David L . Sidebottom, MS, PhD



David Sidebottom is a seasoned spectroscopist with experience in numerous forms of optical spectroscopy including: Raman, Brillouin, Photon Correlation, Photoluminescence, Fluorescence, and Phonon Sideband.  他一直活跃于玻璃化转变动力学领域, 特别是使用动态光散射(光子相关和布里渊), 25年来,在这一领域发表了大量论文.  His most recent research activity has dealt with light scattering studies of network-forming oxide melts intended to clarify relationships between glass structure and liquid dynamics. 

Research Focus

David Sidebottom is a seasoned spectroscopist with experience in numerous forms of optical spectroscopy including: Raman, Brillouin, Photon Correlation, Photoluminescence, Fluorescence, and Phonon Sideband. 他一直活跃于玻璃化转变动力学领域, 特别是使用动态光散射(光子相关和布里渊), 25年来,在这一领域发表了大量论文. His most recent research activity has dealt with light scattering studies of network-forming oxide melts intended to clarify relationships between glass structure and liquid dynamics.






  • Characterization of Materials
    Sidebottom, David L. Dynamic Light Scattering., p. 1-10 2012
  • Cambridge University Press


  • Journal of Chemical Physics
    Sidebottom, D. L. Comment on 'A model for phosphate glass topology considering the modifying ion sub-network' [J. Chem. Phys. 140, 154501 (2014)
    142, p. Article ID 107103 2015
  • Physical Review E
    Fragility of network-forming glasses: A universal dependence on the topological connectivity,” Phys. Rev. E 92.6 062804 (2015).
    92.6, p. 062804 2015
  • Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
    Sidebottom, D. L., Tran, T. D., Schnell, S. E. Building up a weaker network: The effect of intermediate range glass structure on liquid fragility
    402, p. 16-20 2014
  • Physical Review B
    Sidebottom, D. L., Schnell, S. E. Role of intermediate-range order in predicting the fragility of network-forming liquids near the rigidity transition
    87, p. 1-6 2013
  • Biophysical Journal
    Holman, Nathan, Hauger, Eric, Nichols, Michael, Sidebottom, David, Haas, Eric One and Two Photon Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy on Proteins in Glucose Solutions
    104, p. 346a-347a 2013
  • Physical Review B
    The Role of Intermediate Range Order in Predicting Fragility of Network-Forming Liquids near the Rigidity Transition
    87, p. 054202 2013
  • 美国陶瓷学会杂志
    Glass-forming Dynamics of Aluminophosphate Melts Studied by Photon Correlation Spectroscopy
    96, p. 2147 2013
  • Physical Review E
    Sidebottom, D. L., Tran, Tri D. Universal patterns of equilibrium cluster growth in aqueous sugars observed by dynamic light scattering
    82, p. 051904-051904 2010
  • Physical Review B
    Fabian, R., Jr., Sidebottom, D. L. Dynamic light scattering in network-forming sodium ultraphosphate liquids near the glass transition
    80, p. 064201-064207 2009
  • Reviews of Modern Physics
    Sidebottom, D. L. Colloquium: Understanding ion motion in disordered solids from impedance spectroscopy scaling
    81, p. 999-1014 2009
  • Reports on Progress in Physics
    Dyre, Jeppe C., Maass, Philipp, rolling, Bernhard, Sidebottom, David L. 有关无序固体中离子传导的基本问题
    72, p. 046501-046501 2009
  • Zeitschrift Fur Physikalische Chemie-International Journal of Research in Physical Chemistry & Chemical Physics
    Sidebottom, D. L., Bassett, M. 锂和氯化锂掺杂硼酸盐玻璃的几乎恒定损耗
    223, p. 1161-1170 2009
  • Physical Review B
    Sidebottom, David L., Changstrom, J. R. Viscoelastic relaxation in molten phosphorus pentoxide using photon correlation spectroscopy
    77, p. 020201-1 - 020201-4 2008
  • Physical Review B
    Sidebottom, David L., Rodenburg, B. V., Changstrom, J. R. Connecting structure and dynamics in glass forming materials by photon correlation spectroscopy
    75, p. 132201 2007
  • Physical Review E
    Sidebottom, David L. Ultraslow relaxation of hydrogen-bonded dynamic clusters in glass-forming aqueous glucose solutions: A light scattering study
    76, p. 011505-1 - 011505-7 2007
  • D. L. Sidebottom, 离子传导的尺度特性及其对玻璃中离子运动的揭示,” Proceedings of the 1st International Discussion Meeting on Solid Ion Conducting Physics (Kyoto, 2003年9月)(世界科学出版社出版), 2007). 2007
  • Journal of Chemical Physics
    Sidebottom, David L., Rodenburg, B. V. 混合偏磷酸碱玻璃形成液的动态光散射
    125, p. 24502 2006
  • Physical Review B
    Sidebottom, David L. 偏磷酸碱玻璃几乎恒定损耗中的收缩效应
    71, p. 134206 2005
  • D. L. Sidebottom, 结构对玻璃成型液体动态光散射的影响,” Ceramic Transactions 170, 93 (2005). 2005
  • Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
    Metwalli, E., Karabulut, M., Sidebottom, D. L., Morsi, M. M., Brow, R. K. 超磷酸铜玻璃的性能与结构
    344, p. 128-134 2004
  • D. L. Sidebottom, “Influence of Glass Structure on the ac Conductivity of Alkali Phosphate Glasses,” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 15, S1585 (2003). 2003
  • Physical Review Letters
    Sidebottom, David L., Murray-Krezan, C. M. 区分离子导电玻璃中几乎恒定损耗的两种贡献
    89, p. 195901 2002
  • R. K. Brow, E. Metwalli and D. L. 边底,“磷酸镧玻璃的性质和结构”,程序. SPIE 4102, Inorganic Optical Materials II, 88 (October 25, 2000); doi:10.1117/12.405272 2002
  • Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
    J. Zhang and D. L. Sidebottom, “Modeling the a.c. 混合碱锗酸盐玻璃的电导率分散[J]. Non-Cryst. Solids 288, 18 (2001).
    288, p. 18 2001
  • Physical Review B
    Sidebottom, David L., Zhang, J. 离子导电玻璃中交流介电常数的标度
    62, p. 5504-5507. 2000
  • Physical Review B
    Sidebottom, David L., Rolling, B., Funke, K. Ionic conduction in solids:_??比较电导率和模量表示关于缩放特性
    63, p. 24301 2000
  • Physical Review B
    Sidebottom, David L. Influence of cation constriction on the ac conductivity dispersion in metaphosphate glasses
    61, p. 14507-14516 2000
  • Physical Review Letters
    Sidebottom, David L. 缩放a的通用方法.c. conductivity in ionic glasses
    82, p. 3653-3656 1999
  • Physical Review Letters
    Sidebottom, David L. 离子材料中电导率分散的维数依赖性
    83, p. 983-986 1999
  • Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
    D. L. Sidebottom, “Evidence for Site Memory Effects in the Ionic Relaxation of (Li20)x(Na20)y(GeO2)1-x-y Glasses,” J. Non-Cryst. Solids 255, 67 (1999).
    255, p. 67 1999
  • Journal of Molecular Structure
    D.L. Sidebottom, P.F. Green, and R.K. “碱性偏磷酸盐玻璃及其熔体的布里渊散射”. Mol. Struct. 479, 219 (1999).
    479, p. 219 1999
  • Journal of Chemical Physics
    Sidebottom, David L., Green, P. F., Brow, R. K. Regarding the correlation of nuclear spin relaxation and electrical conductivity relaxation in ionic glasses
    108, p. 5870-5875 1998
  • Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
    P. F. Green, D. L. Sidebottom, R. K. Brow and J. J. Hudgens,“混合碱氧化物的机械松弛异常”,J. Non-Cryst. Solids 231, 89 (1998).
    231, p. 89 1998
  • Applied Physics Letters
    Sidebottom, David L., Hruschka, M. A., Potter, B. G., Brow, R. K. 提高稀土掺杂氧化卤化锌碲酸盐玻璃的辐射寿命
    71, p. 1963-1965 1997
  • Physical Review B
    Sidebottom, David L., Green, P. F., Brow, R. K. Scaling parallels in the non-Debye dielectric relaxation of ionic glasses and dipolar supercooled liquids
    56, p. 170-177 1997
  • Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
    D.L. Sidebottom, M.A. Hruschka, B.G. Potter, and R.K. Brow, “Structure and Optical Properties of Rare Earth-Doped Zinc Oxyhalide Tellurite Glasses,” J. Non-Cryst. Solids 222, 282 (1997).
    222, p. 282 1997
  • Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
    D.L. Sidebottom, P.F. Green, and R.K. “a的结构相关性。.c. 含离子玻璃的电导率[J]. Non-Cryst. Solids 222, 354 (1997).
    222, p. 354 1997
  • D.L. Sidebottom, M.A. Hruschka, B.G. Potter, R.K. Brow, and J.J. Hudgens, “Optical Properties of Lanthanide-Containing Halide-Modified Zinc Tellurite Glasses,” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 453, 253 (1997). 1997
  • D.L. Sidebottom and C.M. Sorensen, “Time and Ensemble Averaged Dynamic Light Scattering in Orthoterphenyl Above and Below the Glass Transition,” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 455, 189 (1997). 1997
  • Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
    D.L. Sidebottom, P.F. Green, and R.K. 布劳,“碱氧化物玻璃电导率中的结垢行为”,[J]. Non-Cryst. Solids 203, 300 (1996).
    203, p. 300 1996
  • Physical Review B
    Sidebottom, David L., Green, P. F., Brow, R. K. 氧化玻璃中离子输运的异常扩散模型
    51, p. 2770-2776. 1995
  • Physical Review Letters
    Sidebottom, David L., Green, P. F., Brow, R. K. 碱氧化物玻璃交流电导率的两个贡献
    74, p. 5068-5071. 1995
  • Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
    D.L. Sidebottom, P.F. Green, and R.K. 布劳,“离子导电玻璃的KWW和幂律分析的比较”,J. Non-Cryst. Solids 183, 151 (1995).
    183, p. 151 1995
  • Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
    P.F. Green, D.L. Sidebottom, and R.K. 布朗,“混合偏磷酸碱玻璃中的弛豫”,J. Non-Cryst. Solids 172-174, 1352 (1994).
    172-174, p. 1352 1994
  • C.M. Sorensen, D.L. Sidebottom and S.Z. Ren, 玻璃和凝胶的动态光散射研究:弛豫行为的类比,《皇冠体育》(M. Costas, R. Rodriguez and A. L. Benavides, World Scientific Publ. Co., New Jersey, USA) 1994 1994
  • Physical Review
    Sidebottom, David L., B?_rjesson, L., Torell, L. M. 强玻璃成型机中的两步弛豫衰变
    71, p. 2260-2263. 1993
  • Physical Review E
    D.L. 边底,“环氧树脂溶胶/凝胶过渡附近的超声波测量”,物理学. Rev. E 48, 391 (1993).
    48, p. 391 1993
  • L.M. Torell, P. Jacobsson, D. Sidebottom, and L. Börjesson, 'Structural Relaxation Characteristics of Glass Forming Polymeric Liquids Subject to Transient Crosslinks,' Progr. Colloid. Poly. Sci. 91, 46 (1993). 1993
  • Physical Review Letters
    Sidebottom, David L., Bergman, R., Borjesson, L., Torell, L. M. Observation of scaling behavior in the liquid-glass transition range from dynamic light scattering in poly(propylene glycol)
    68, p. 3587-3590 1992
  • L.M. Torell, P. Jacobsson, D. Sidebottom, and G. Petersen, 离子-聚合物交联在聚合物电解质中的重要性,' Solid State Ionics 53-56, 1037 (1992). 1992
  • J. Vanderwal, D. Sidebottom, D. Walton, and G.P. Johari,“聚合物水凝胶的布里渊散射研究”,J. Polym. Sci. B 30, 1089 (1992). 1992
  • D. L. Sidebottom and G. P. Johari,“LiClO4-Poly(丙二醇)-2000溶液中的亚tg弛豫”,J. Polym. Sci. B 29, 1215 (1991). 1991
  • D. L. Sidebottom and G. P. Johari, 网络结构玻璃自发松弛过程中的化学和物理效应,' Chem. Phys. 147, 205 (1990). 1990
  • Journal of Chemical Physics
    Sidebottom, David L., Sorensen, C. M. 过冷态2Ca(NO3)2_非指数弛豫的动态光散射研究?.3KNO3
    91, p. 7153-7158 1989
  • Physical Review B
    Sidebottom, David L., Sorensen, C. M. salol玻璃化转变的光散射研究
    40, p. 461-466 1989
  • Journal of Chemical Physics
    Sidebottom, David L., Sorensen, M. Light-scattering studies of a ternary mixture: Comparison of field variables for critical phenomena description
    89, p. 1608-1615 1988
  • American Journal of Physics
    D. L. 边底,“用于教授直流电路和电子的廉价机器人,”
  • Journal of Chemical Physics
    D. L. Sidebottom and D. “混合价偏磷酸盐玻璃熔体的动态光散射”,[J]. Chem. Phys.
  • D. L. Sidebottom and C. M. Sorensen,“临界现象描述的场变量比较”,Chem. Phys. Lett. 151 (6), 489 (1988).


  • Use of Bratwurst Sausage as a Model Cadaver in Introductory Physics for the Life Sciences Lab Experiments,” Phys. Teach. 53, 367 (2015).
    53, p. 367 2015
  • J. R. Changstrom and D. L. Sidebottom “Study of the Mixed Alkali Effect in Lithium and Sodium Metaphosphate Glassforming Liquids by Photon Correlation Spectroscopy,” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20, 285103 (2008).
    20, p. 285103 2008
  • Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
    D. L. Sidebottom, “Ionic Conductivity in Glasses: Is the Window Effect Statistically Relevant,” J. Non-Cryst. Solids 244, 223 (1999).
    244, p. 223 1999


  • 磷酸盐玻璃国际会议, "Dynamic light scattering in alkali phosphate melts and the role of intermediate range order in the fragility of network-forming oxides 2014
  • 玻璃和光学材料部门年会, "Predicting the Fragility of Network-forming Melts near the Rigidity Transition: A Coarse-graining Approach 2013
  • 内布拉斯加州科学院第123届年会, 葡萄糖溶液中蛋白质的双光子荧光相关光谱2013
  • March meeting of APS, "Dynamic Light Scattering in Network-Forming Oxide Melts: Ties Between Structure and Dynamics 2013
  • 生物物理学会第57届年会, "One and Two Photon Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy on Proteins in Glucose Solutions" 2013
  • 超冷液体和玻璃过渡2013
  • Sidebottom, D. (Author & Presenter), Changstrom, J. (Author), 玻璃和光学材料部门年会, "Dynamic Light Scattering in Mixed Alkali Metaphosphate Glassforming Ultraphosphate Liquids" 2012
  • 玻璃和光学材料部门年会, "Dynamic light scattering studies on structural effects on the dynamics of potassium-modified borate glass" 2012
  • 内布拉斯加州科学院第122届年会, “糖溶液中蛋白质的荧光相关光谱”2012
  • “超冷液体和玻璃化过渡”,2012年
  • March meeting of APS, "Cluster Growth in Aqueous Sugars Observed by Dynamic Light Scattering" 2012
  • March meeting of APS, "Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy of Tryptophan-containing Proteins in Sugar Solutions Using Two Photon Excitation" 2012


  • Dynamic light scattering test of bond model prediction for the dynamics of network-forming liquids near the glass transition,由美国国家科学基金会赞助

  • Light Scattering and Fluorescence Study of Sugar Solutions as Cryoprotective Agents in Protein Storage,由美国国立卫生研究院赞助


  • Expert Witness
    2013 - 2016