乔纳森 保罗 鲁贝尔,学士,博士



J Wrubel


HLSB - Hixson科学大楼- G68

乔纳森 保罗 鲁贝尔,学士,博士



Dr. 乔纳森 Wrubel于2012年加入该学院. His research is in the field of ultracold atomic physics and Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs). Besides his research, he is also keenly interested in issues of science and faith. 在加入Creighton学院之前,Dr. Wrubel was a National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow with the Joint Quantum Institute at the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the 大学 of Maryland. From 2006-2009 he was a postdoctoral fellow with Harvard 大学 as part of a collaboration seeking to produce, trap and study anti-hydrogen (the anti-matter opposite of the hydrogen atom).


I study the magnetic interactions between potassium-41 atoms at temperatures approaching absolute zero. I am primarily interested in studying how magnetism manifests itself when these ultracold atoms behave quantum-mechanically (i.e. 比如波而不是粒子).






  • 物理检查A
    J. P. Wrubel H. K. Pechkis,. Schwettmann P. F. 格里芬,R. 巴内特,E. Tiesinga和P. D. 列托语. Spinor Bose-Einstein-condensate phase-sensitive amplifier for SU(1,1) interferometry.
    98, p. 023620 2018
  • 物理评论快报
    Pechkis H. K.鲁贝尔,J. P.Schwettmann, A.格里芬,P. F.巴奈特,R.,铁山,E.,左,P. D. Spinor Dynamics in an Antiferromagnetic Spin-1 Thermal Bose Gas
    111, p. 025301 2013
  • 纳米快报
    B.-R. Hyun,. C. Bartnik W.-k. Koh N. I. Agladze J. P. Wrubel,. J. 西弗斯,C. B. Murray和F. W. 明智的. PbSe纳米棒的远红外吸收.
    11, p. 2786 2011
  • 核仪器 & 物理研究方法
    J. P. Wrubel等人. (ATRAP合作). Pumped Helium System for Cooling Positron and Electron Traps to 1.2 K
    640, p. 232 2011
  • 物理评论快报
    G. 加布里埃尔等人. (ATRAP合作). 反质子和电子的离心分离
    105, p. 213002 2010
  • 物理评论快报
    G. 加布里埃尔等人. (ATRAP合作). pennning - ioffe捕集器内的反氢生成
    100, p. 113001 2008
  • 物理快报B
    A. 斑点,G. 加布里埃尔等人. (ATRAP合作). 单组分等离子体的密度和几何
    650, p. 119 2007
  • 物理快报B
    B. 莱维特,G. 加布里埃尔等人., (ATRAP合作). 光电子的单组分等离子体
    656, p. 25 2007
  • 物理评论快报
    G. 加布里埃尔等人. (ATRAP合作). Antiproton Confinement in a Penning-Ioffe Trap for Antihydrogen
    98, p. 113002 2007
  • 物理评论快报
    J. P. Wrubel B. E. 哈伯德,N. I. Agladze,. J. 西弗斯,P. P. Fedorov D. I. Klimenchenko,. I. 里斯金和J. A. 坎贝尔. Glasslike Two-Level Systems in Minimally Disordered Mixed Crystals
    96, p. 235503 2006
  • 物理评论快报
    J. P. Wrubel, M. 佐藤和A. J. 西弗斯. Controlled Switching of Intrinsic Localized Modes in a One-Dimensional Antiferromagnet
    95, p. 264101 2005


  • A. 塔特J. P. Wrubel. Student Presentation: A compact atomic source and radio-frequency circuit for ultra-cold atoms. Sigma Xis Annual Meeting and Student Research Conference, Kansas City, MO 2015
  • J. P. Wrubel. Laser-cooled atoms, clocks, and strange quantum mechanics. 内布拉斯加州大学奥马哈分校物理系. 2015
  • A. 塔特J. P. Wrubel. Student Presentation: A compact atomic source and radio-frequency circuit for ultra-cold atoms. Ferlic Scholar Poster Presentation, 皇冠体育博彩大学, 奥马哈市东北. 2015
  • N. 霍尔曼,年代. Prathivadhi-Bhayankaram,. Tarter和J. P. Wrubel (P.I.). Contributed Student Talk: Development of a laser-cooling and trapping apparatus to study the magnetic phases of a spinor 41K BEC via radio-frequency Fano-Feshbach resonances. Nebraska Academy of 科学 Annual Meeting, Lincoln, NE. 2015
  • N. 霍尔曼,B. Gruberg. Student Presentation: Passive magnetic field cancellation device for use in atom trapping experiments. 皇冠体育博彩大学街. 阿尔伯茨日演讲,奥马哈,东北. 2015
  • N. 霍尔曼,年代. Prathivadhi-Bhayankaram B. Schmachtenberger L. Slattery,. Tarter和J. P. Wrubel (P.I.). Student Poster Presentation: Progress towards a 41K Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensate. APS DAMOP年会,麦迪逊,威斯康辛州. 2014
  • S. Prathivadhi和J. P. Wrubel. Student Poster Presentation: High Precision, Low-成本 Michelson Interferometry. Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physical 科学, Lincoln, NE. 2013
  • A. Schwettmann H. K. Pechkis J. P. Wrubel R. 巴内特,E. Tiesinga P. D. 列托语. Contributed Poster: Decoherence of spin oscillations in an ultracold F=1 sodium gas. APS DAMOP年会,加拿大魁北克市. 2013
  • J. P. Wrubel. Laser-cooled atoms, clocks, and strange quantum mechanics. 部门 of 物理, 大学 of Nebraska Omaha, 奥马哈市东北. 2013
  • J. P. Wrubel. Invited Talk: Interactions between atomic coherent states: spinor dynamics manipulated by microwaves. 新激光科学家会议,罗切斯特,纽约州. 2012
  • J. P. Wrubel H. K. Pehckis,. Schwettmann P. F. 格里芬,R. 巴内特,E. Tiesinga和P. D. 列托语. Contributed Talk: Matter-wave amplification in a seeded 23Na spinor Bose-Einstein condensate. 2012 APS DAMOP Annual Meeting, Orange County, CA 2012
  • J. P. Wrubel P. F. 格里芬,H. K. Pechkis J. 汉族,R. 巴内特,E. Tiesinga和P. D. 列托语. Contributed Talk: Nonlinear matter-wave amplification in a 23Na spinor Bose-Einstein condensate. 2011年APS DAMOP年会,亚特兰大,乔治亚州. 2011
  • J. P. Wrubel P. F. 格里芬,H. K. Pechkis R. 巴内特,E. Tiesinga和P. D. 列托语. Contributed Poster: Nonlinear matter-wave amplification in a 23Na spinor Bose-Einstein condensate. Quantum Science and Technologies Conference, Rovereto, Italy. 2011
  • J. P. Wrubel B.-R. Hyun, N. I. Agladze F. W. 明智的和明智的. J. 西弗斯. Contributed Talk: Frohlich Phonon Modes in PbSe and PbS Colloidal Quantum Dots, 2008年APS三月会议,新奥尔良,洛杉矶. 2008
  • J. P. Wrubel等人. (ATRAP合作). Contributed Poster: Cold Antihydrogen Production in the ATRAP2 Apparatus. 2008年APS三月会议,新奥尔良,洛杉矶. 2008
  • J. P. Wrubel, M. 佐藤和A. J. 西弗斯. Contributed Talk: Correlation of intrinsic localized mode properties with sample temperature, 2005年APS三月会议, 洛杉矶, CA, 3月21 - 25日, 2005. 2005
  • J. P. Wrubel N. I. A. J. 西弗斯. Contributed Poster: Influence of processing conditions on the low temperature properties of glasses, 2002年NASA材料科学会议, 亨茨维尔, AL. 2002
  • N. I. Agladze J. P. Wrubel和A. J. 西弗斯. Contributed Poster: Impurity-Induced mm-Wave Absorption in Amorphous Ice, NASA实验室天体物理学研讨会, 美国宇航局艾姆斯研究中心, 莫菲特场, CA. 2002
  • J. P. Wrubel N. I. A. J. 西弗斯. Contributed Talk: Influence of impact milling on two-level systems in solids, 2002年3月美国物理学会会议, 印第安纳波利斯, IN, 3月在18到22岁, 2002. 2002


  • Dynamically controlled magnetism in a 41K spinor Bose-Einstein condensate. (2014 皇冠体育博彩大学 Summer Research Fellowship, role: P.I.). The goal of this research is to construct a two-dimensional magneto- optical trap, which is a first step in achieving Bose-Einstein condensation. 申请日期:2013年10月31日. 资助日期:2013年12月11日.

  • Laser-Cooling Atoms: Making the Coldest Stuff in the Universe. (Dr. 乔治F. Haddix President’s Faculty Research Fund, 皇冠体育博彩大学, role: P.I.) The goal of this research is to lead two undergraduate students during the summer of 2013 in building two critical components of the Bose-Einstein condensation apparatus. 首先是冷却原子所需的激光, and the second is a wavelength-meter needed to set the laser to the proper wavelength. 申请日期:2012年12月1日. 资助日期:2013年2月22日.

  • 2015年教学成果奖
  • Sigma Xi, National Institute of Standards and Technology Postdoctoral Poster Presentation
    Sigma Xi
  • 国家研究委员会研究协会
  • United States 部门 of Education GAANN Fellowship
  • Cornell 大学 Clark Award for Distinguished Teaching
  • 巴里·戈德华特杰出教育学者
  • 安德森杰出学者
  • 奖学金获得者