
Thank you for your intentional participation in a 服务 & 正义之旅. You may have been inspired or moved to a next step. The challenge for us now is to decide what to do with our experiences. “现在什么?” We offer a few suggestions of how to get involved in Omaha 和 beyond. 我们并没有所有的答案, but we can help you to stay engaged in the seven pillars of the 服务 & 正义之旅 程序 while you ask better questions 和 live into the answers. Stop by the office to talk more in person if you would like.

请查看 行程特定机会 page to view volunteer opportunities similar to what you did on your service trip.


  • “If every American donated five hours a week, it would equal the labor of 20 million full-time volunteers.” ——乌比·戈德堡
  • SCSJ weekly service sites (transportation provided)
  • 当地服务机构
  • Catholic Relief 服务s has many 程序s 和 ideas
  • Organize a drive for the food bank, school supplies
  • Try an academic service-learning course to integrate community service with your academic work


  • 美国.S. bishops say “at the core of the virtue of solidarity is the pursuit of justice 和 peace. Our love for all our sisters 和 brothers dem和s that we promote peace in a world surrounded by violence 和 conflict.”
  • Participate in local community organizing events (奥马哈团结一心等)
  • 不要把任何人想成“他们”
  • Notice the workings of power 和 privilege in your culture
  • Know how your lettuce 和 coffee are grown: wake up 和 smell the exploitation
  • 访问 people, places, 和 cultures- not tourist attractions
  • Watch films with subtitles, learn another language, culture 和 history
    Know that no one is silent though many are not heard, work to change this
  • 视图 Fr. 博伊尔 和 his talk about working with LA gangs as part of 首页boy Industries


  • 服务 & 正义之旅聚会
  • Keep in contact with your 服务 & 正义之旅 group, write letters to your host site- consider spending more time with them
  • Join a service, justice or cultural student organization
  • Get to know diverse communities of East Omaha through one of the 社区 Orientations through the SCSJ
  • 考虑到 丝膜社区 对于二年级的学生.
  • 考虑 studying abroad with the Encuentro Dominicano 程序
  • Go to conferences to meet others doing similar things across the country (Fair Trade, Sweat-free饥饿 & 无家可归)


  • 减少,再利用,回收,堆肥
  • Clean out your closet- donate anything that you don’t use
  • If you have to buy something, consider buying second-h和
  • Fix or sew what you can instead of buying something new
  • Take time to listen to people’s stories
  • Go for a week without TV, iPods, E-Mail.
  • 大垃圾带
  • 请查看 绿色的美国 网站



  • Support sustainable agriculture
  • buy locally- at farmers’ markets across Omaha- downtown on Saturday mornings). Before or after farmer’s market, check out Shadowbrook农场
  • 请查看 内布拉斯加州食品合作社
  • 了解素食选择
  • 购买有机食品(试试) 全食超市 or Jane’s Health Market in Benson)
  • Walk, ride a bike, carpool or use the shuttle, try riding the 公共汽车
  • 自带购物袋
  • Local Sustainable Education on the news in Omaha about bottled water.
  • Support the idea of building green buildings on campus
  • 节约! When It Comes To Shampoo, Less Is More.


  • Sign up to share your story at the 学生的故事 Lunch to tell the CU community about what you learned 和 how you grew over break
  • 考虑 joining a small faith sharing group like a Christian Life 社区 (contact 校园部)
  • Keep a Journal or Blog (send your 服务 & 正义之旅 reflections to Jeff Peak to be put on the SCSJ 网站)
  • Seek out a spiritual advisor/mentor
  • 去吧! 撤退
  • Take a Faith 和 Moral Development course (正义 & 和平研究)
  • Do highs 和 lows with your roommate(s)
  • Do a daily examen, yoga, meditate or pray with your faith tradition


  • 去吧!n another service or immersion experience.
  • 协调明年的服务 & 正义之旅 (applications are available immediately after break for the following year)
  • 考虑 研究生志愿工作
  • Work or Intern with a non-profit this summer! (查看职业生涯 & 学术策划(课程)